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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Финансовый менеджмент
 Back to the Land. Arthurdale, FDR's New Deal, and the Costs of Economic Planning
 Back to the Land. Arthurdale, FDR's New Deal, and the Costs of Economic Planning

 Автор: C. Maloney J

  How New Deal economic policies played out in the small town of Arthurdale, West Virginia Today, the U.S. government is again moving to embrace New Deal-like economic policies. While much has been written about the New Deal from a macro perspective, little has been written about how New Deal programs played out on the ground. In Back to the Land, author CJ Maloney tells the true story of Arthurdale, West Virginia, a town created as a «pet project
 20 Most Common Trading Mistakes. And How You Can Avoid Them
 20 Most Common Trading Mistakes. And How You Can Avoid Them

 Автор: Kel Butcher

  You're a trader. You live a life of glamour, fast cars, leisure and luxury – everything you've ever dreamed of … Of course, that's until you discover that trading can be brutally difficult. If you play the trading game, you are going to make mistakes – maybe even some like these: agonising endlessly over when to enter or exit a trade trading like a maverick, risking too much of your capital beating yourself up when a trade goes against you losin
 Energy Finance and Economics. Analysis and Valuation, Risk Management, and the Future of Energy
 Energy Finance and Economics. Analysis and Valuation, Risk Management, and the Future of Energy

 Автор: Betty Simkins

  Thought leaders and experts offer the most current information and insights into energy finance Energy Finance and Economics offers the most up-to-date information and compelling insights into the finance and economics of energy. With contributions from today's thought leaders who are experts in various areas of energy finance and economics, the book provides an overview of the energy industry and addresses issues concerning energy finance and e

 Managed Futures for Institutional Investors. Analysis and Portfolio Construction
 Managed Futures for Institutional Investors. Analysis and Portfolio Construction

 Автор: Galen Burghardt

  A practical guide to institutional investing success Managed Futures for Institutional Investors is an essential guide that walks you through the important questions that need to be addressed before investing in this asset class and contains helpful direction for investors during the investing process. Backed by years of institutional experience, the authors reveal the opportunities offered by managed futures. They also include information on pr
 The Monetary System. Analysis and New Approaches to Regulation
 The Monetary System. Analysis and New Approaches to Regulation

 Автор: Jean-Francois Serval

  A groundbreaking work that paves the way for a new, pro-active financial system With The Monetary System, innovative author pairing Jean-Francois Serval and Jean-Pascal Tranie devise a comprehensive economic modeling system that accounts for the unprecedented situation facing international and regional economies by developing a controversial new stance on the operation of money in society. Presenting a classification of financial instruments wit
 Hedge Fund Modelling and Analysis. An Object Oriented Approach Using C++
 Hedge Fund Modelling and Analysis. An Object Oriented Approach Using C++

 Автор: David Hampton

  Use powerful C++ algorithms and Object Oriented Programming (OOP) to aid in hedge fund decision making Low interest rates, overcrowded markets and greater regulatory oversight are just some of the many reasons it is close to impossible for hedge funds to draw competitive returns. The solution for many hedge fund managers, quantitative investment analysts and risk managers is to adopt new technologies, platforms and programming languages to bette
 Financial Markets and Trading. An Introduction to Market Microstructure and Trading Strategies
 Financial Markets and Trading. An Introduction to Market Microstructure and Trading Strategies

 Автор: Anatoly Schmidt B.

  An informative guide to market microstructure and trading strategies Over the last decade, the financial landscape has undergone a significant transformation, shaped by the forces of technology, globalization, and market innovations to name a few. In order to operate effectively in today's markets, you need more than just the motivation to succeed, you need a firm understanding of how modern financial markets work and what professional trading i
 The Art of Vulture Investing. Adventures in Distressed Securities Management
 The Art of Vulture Investing. Adventures in Distressed Securities Management

 Автор: George Schultze

  A detailed and compelling look at distressed securities investing in today’s market In the corporate world, “vulture” investors in distressed securities serve the same cleanup function as vultures do in the natural world: they deal with failing companies, digest bad debt, and mop up after bankruptcies. Since this market’s structural and legal complexities create greater inefficiencies than in other investment fields, it’s a style of investing th
 The Complete Guide to Option Strategies. Advanced and Basic Strategies on Stocks, ETFs, Indexes and Stock Index Futures
 The Complete Guide to Option Strategies. Advanced and Basic Strategies on Stocks, ETFs, Indexes and Stock Index Futures

 Автор: Michael Mullaney

  Important insights into effective option strategies In The Complete Guide to Option Strategies, top-performing commodity trading advisor Michael Mullaney explains how to successfully employ a variety of option strategies, from the most risky–selling naked puts and calls–to more conservative strategies using covered positions. The author covers everything from options on stocks, exchange-traded funds, stock indexes, and stock index futures to ess
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