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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
 Финансовый менеджмент
 Quantitative Risk Management. A Practical Guide to Financial Risk
 Quantitative Risk Management. A Practical Guide to Financial Risk

 Автор: Bob Litterman

  State of the art risk management techniques and practices—supplemented with interactive analytics All too often risk management books focus on risk measurement details without taking a broader view. Quantitative Risk Management delivers a synthesis of common sense management together with the cutting-edge tools of modern theory. This book presents a road map for tactical and strategic decision making designed to control risk and capitalize on op
 Credit Models and the Crisis. A Journey into CDOs, Copulas, Correlations and Dynamic Models
 Credit Models and the Crisis. A Journey into CDOs, Copulas, Correlations and Dynamic Models

 Автор: Damiano Brigo

  The recent financial crisis has highlighted the need for better valuation models and risk management procedures, better understanding of structured products, and has called into question the actions of many financial institutions. It has become commonplace to blame the inadequacy of credit risk models, claiming that the crisis was due to sophisticated and obscure products being traded, but practitioners have for a long time been aware of the dan
 Bonds without Borders. A History of the Eurobond Market
 Bonds without Borders. A History of the Eurobond Market

 Автор: Chris O'Malley

  Bonds without Borders tells the extraordinary story of how the market developed into the principal source of international finance for sovereign states, supranational agencies, financial institutions and companies around the world. Written by Chris O'Malley – a veteran practitioner and Eurobond market expert- this important resource describes the developments, the evolving market practices, the challenges and the innovations in the Eurobond mark

 Value and Capital Management. A Handbook for the Finance and Risk Functions of Financial Institutions
 Value and Capital Management. A Handbook for the Finance and Risk Functions of Financial Institutions

 Автор: Thomas Wilson C.

  A value management framework designed specifically for banking and insurance The Value Management Handbook is a comprehensive, practical reference written specifically for bank and insurance valuation and value management. Spelling out how the finance and risk functions add value in their respective spheres, this book presents a framework for measuring – and more importantly, influencing – the value of the firm from the position of the CFO and C
 Understanding Oil Prices. A Guide to What Drives the Price of Oil in Today's Markets
 Understanding Oil Prices. A Guide to What Drives the Price of Oil in Today's Markets

 Автор: Salvatore Carollo

  It’s a fair bet that most of what you think you know about oil prices is wrong. Despite the massive price fluctuations of the past decade, the received wisdom on the subject has remained fundamentally unchanged since the 1970s. When asked, most people – including politicians, financial analysts and pundits – will respond with a tired litany of reasons ranging from increased Chinese and Indian competition for diminishing resources and tensions in
 Regulation of Securities, Markets, and Transactions. A Guide to the New Environment
 Regulation of Securities, Markets, and Transactions. A Guide to the New Environment

 Автор: Patrick Collins S.

  The ultimate guide to the current rules and regulations that govern the securities industry?including amendments in 2010 Providing readers with expert coverage of domestic securities regulation, this book fills the need for coverage of securities regulations, defining, describing, and explaining everything professionals need to know about domestic securities regulation. Examines the current securities rules Provides an overview of the latest reg
 Risk Management At The Top. A Guide to Risk and its Governance in Financial Institutions
 Risk Management At The Top. A Guide to Risk and its Governance in Financial Institutions

 Автор: Mark Laycock

  With over 30 years’ experience of risk management in banks, Mark Laycock provides a comprehensive but succinct non-technical overview of risk and its governance in financial institutions. Bridging the gap between texts on governance and the increasingly technical aspects of risk management the book covers the main risk types experienced by banks – credit, market, operational and liquidity – outlines those risks before considering them from a gov
 Trading Economics. A Guide to Economic Statistics for Practitioners and Students
 Trading Economics. A Guide to Economic Statistics for Practitioners and Students

 Автор: Trevor Williams

  A practical guide to understanding how key economic and market statistics drive financial market trends The recent global financial crisis stressed the need for economists who understand how key economic and market statistics drive financial market trends and how to mitigate the risks for businesses that those trends affect. Trading Economics provides guidance for navigating key market figures in a convenient and practical format. Emphasizing th
 Pricing and Hedging Financial Derivatives. A Guide for Practitioners
 Pricing and Hedging Financial Derivatives. A Guide for Practitioners

 Автор: Leonardo Marroni

  The only guide focusing entirely on practical approaches to pricing and hedging derivatives One valuable lesson of the financial crisis was that derivatives and risk practitioners don't really understand the products they're dealing with. Written by a practitioner for practitioners, this book delivers the kind of knowledge and skills traders and finance professionals need to fully understand derivatives and price and hedge them effectively. Most
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