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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Финансовый менеджмент
 The Bank Credit Analysis Handbook. A Guide for Analysts, Bankers and Investors
 The Bank Credit Analysis Handbook. A Guide for Analysts, Bankers and Investors

 Автор: Jonathan Golin

  A hands-on guide to the theory and practice of bank credit analysis and ratings In this revised edition, Jonathan Golin and Philippe Delhaise expand on the role of bank credit analysts and the methodology of their practice. Offering investors and practitioners an insider's perspective on how rating agencies assign all-important credit ratings to banks, the book is updated to reflect today's environment of increased oversight and demands for grea
 Counterparty Credit Risk and Credit Value Adjustment. A Continuing Challenge for Global Financial Markets
 Counterparty Credit Risk and Credit Value Adjustment. A Continuing Challenge for Global Financial Markets

 Автор: Jon Gregory

  A practical guide to counterparty risk management and credit value adjustment from a leading credit practitioner Please note that this second edition of Counterparty Credit Risk and Credit Value Adjustment has now been superseded by an updated version entitled The XVA Challenge: Counterparty Credit Risk, Funding, Collateral and Capital. Since the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the resultant realization of extensive counterparty risk across the
 Security Analysis and Business Valuation on Wall Street. A Comprehensive Guide to Today's Valuation Methods
 Security Analysis and Business Valuation on Wall Street. A Comprehensive Guide to Today's Valuation Methods

 Автор: Jeffrey Hooke C.

  An insider's look at security analysis and business valuation, as practiced by Wall Street, Corporate America, and international businesses Two major market crashes, numerous financial and accounting scandals, growth in private equity and hedge funds, Sarbanes Oxley and related regulations, and international developments changed security analysis and business valuation substantially over the last fourteen years. These events necessitated a secon

 Option Spread Trading. A Comprehensive Guide to Strategies and Tactics
 Option Spread Trading. A Comprehensive Guide to Strategies and Tactics

 Автор: Russell Rhoads

  A practical guide to unlocking the power of option spreads When dealing with option spreads your looking to purchase one option in conjunction with the sale of another option. If managed properly, these spreads can provide experienced investors with the potential for large returns without undertaking a great deal of risk. Option Spread Trading provides a comprehensive, yet easy-to-understand explanation of option spreads, and shows you how to se
 Managing Your Firm's 401(k) Plan. A Complete Roadmap to Managing Today's Retirement Plans
 Managing Your Firm's 401(k) Plan. A Complete Roadmap to Managing Today's Retirement Plans

 Автор: Matthew Smith X.

  An objective resource for managing your firm's 401(k) plan With the recent uncertainty in the economy and financial markets, 401(k) plans are now under more scrutiny than ever. Written for finance and benefit professionals who are responsible for the management, operations, or oversight of their company's 401(k) plan, Managing Your Firm's 401(k) Plan offers a guide to designing and managing a 401(k) with a focus on financial, fiduciary, and regu
 Fatal Risk. A Cautionary Tale of AIG's Corporate Suicide
 Fatal Risk. A Cautionary Tale of AIG's Corporate Suicide

 Автор: Roddy Boyd

  Long-listed for the FT & Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award 2011 The true story of how risk destroys, as told through the ongoing saga of AIG From the collapse of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, the subject of the financial crisis has been well covered. However, the story central to the crisis-that of AIG-has until now remained largely untold. Fatal Risk: A Cautionary Tale of AIG's Corporate Suicide tells the inside story of what re
 Trading Plans Made Simple. A Beginner's Guide to Planning for Trading Success
 Trading Plans Made Simple. A Beginner's Guide to Planning for Trading Success

 Автор: Jacqueline Clarke

  Trading Plans Made Simple is the essential guide for anyone who wants to achieve trading success and maximise their financial returns. Just as every business needs a robust plan for success, so too does your trading. In Trading Plans Made Simple you will discover the simplest and easiest way to build a comprehensive plan for your trading–one that will help you trade like a professional and provide you with a structure and strategy to guide your
 Forex Made Simple. A Beginner's Guide to Foreign Exchange Success
 Forex Made Simple. A Beginner's Guide to Foreign Exchange Success

 Автор: Kel Butcher

  Forex Made Simple is the essential guide for anyone who wants to make money trading foreign exchange, without all the fuss You don't need to be a financial wizard or spend all day glued to a computer screen to trade forex profitably. Including the information you need to know (and nothing more), this book provides straightforward strategies anyone can use–no expensive broker required! Inside you'll find information on: currencies and economies t
 CFDs Made Simple. A Beginner's Guide to Contracts for Difference Success
 CFDs Made Simple. A Beginner's Guide to Contracts for Difference Success

 Автор: Jeff Cartridge

  CFDs Made Simple is the essential guide for anyone who wants to make money trading CFDs Contracts for difference (CFDs) offer an opportunity to make your money work hard for you with the potential for large returns on little outlay. This book includes the information you need to know to get started trading CFDs, and it provides tried-and-true strategies anyone can use. Inside you'll find information on: types of orders and how to place them usin
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