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Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)

 Автор: Speedy Publishing

  Whether you are a nursing student or pre-med, there are many things that you will need to know. All the information you are required to learn can seem utterly overwhelming. Anatomy and physiology of the body systems, pharmacology, and biochemistry are just some of the classes you will be required to take. These courses and managing time will all but consume you. In most cases, there is no getting around the need for memorization. When studying t
 Sports Pharmacy
 Sports Pharmacy

 Автор: David F. Gregory

  Sports Pharmacy: Performance Enhancing Drugs and the Athlete provides a comprehensive compilation of information in a single location on performance enhancing substances by United States collegiate, amateur and professional athletes. The pharmacology of all classes of performance enhancing drugs is discussed as well as any data that supports their use, covering a wide range of laws, policies, regulations concerning the use of substances by athle
 Thieme Test Prep for the USMLE®: Learning Pharmacology through Clinical Cases
 Thieme Test Prep for the USMLE®: Learning Pharmacology through Clinical Cases

 Автор: Mario Babbini

  Learning Pharmacology through Clinical Cases by Mario Babbini and Sandeep Bansal uniquely integrates the preclinical disciplines, which is crucial for pharmacological problem solving and learning to think critically. Each case portrays a real-life scenario, promoting a bridge from foundational knowledge to its application. A series of USMLE-style questions with thorough explanations guide the reader through a comprehensive understanding of rel

 Color Atlas of Pharmacology
 Color Atlas of Pharmacology

 Автор: Klaus Mohr

  The Fifth Edition of Luellmann's Color Atlas of Pharmacology has been extensively revised to include all recent advances and new drugs, and the illustrations have been optimized and updated. Each two-page spread presents concise text on the left complemented by detailed full-color illustrations on the right to help users quickly digest important facts and concepts. Color-coded sections provide readers with a helpful framework with which
 Pharmacology Test Prep
 Pharmacology Test Prep

 Автор: Mario Babbini

  Pharmacology Test Prep is an outstanding collection of 1500 clinical multiple-choice questions written according to USMLE guidelines and classified by learning objective and difficulty. The questions and answers in this book cover all the areas that are included in topic-based and organ system-based courses in the first two years of medical school. This book provides medical students preparing to take the USMLE with a thorough review of pharma
 Pharmacology - An Illustrated Review
 Pharmacology - An Illustrated Review

 Автор: Mark A. Simmons

  The perfect study tool for preparing for your courses or examinations – <i>Pharmacology – An Illustrated Review</i>'s focused presentation and full-color illustrations makes learning the complex information essential to success easier. Sidebars make connections to underlying concepts in other basic sciences or apply the concepts presented in the clinical setting .<b>Features:</b><li>Succinct bullet-point text s
 Generic Challenge:
 Generic Challenge:

 Автор: Martin a. Voet

  This Fifth Edition of The Generic Challenge provides important new updates on current regulatory, legal and commercial issues affecting brand and generic pharmaceutical products, including new laws establishing generics for biologics, and changes brought about by the recently enacted America Invents Act. It explains clearly and understandably the roles of patents, FDA regulation of drugs and the Hatch Waxman Act in commercial drug development in
 Sex, Lies, and Pharmaceuticals
 Sex, Lies, and Pharmaceuticals

 Автор: Ray Moynihan

  Against a backdrop of virtual intercourse, online porn, and burgeoning Viagra sales, Sex, Lies, and Pharmaceuticals reveals how women&#8217;s sexual difficulties are being repackaged as symptoms of a new disorder. In this compelling book, award-winning journalist Ray Moynihan teams up with drug assessment specialist Barbara Mintzes to investigate the creation of female sexual dysfunction or FSD, and the marketing machine that promises to «cu
 Art, Science, and Technology of Pharmaceutical Compounding, (The) 5e
 Art, Science, and Technology of Pharmaceutical Compounding, (The) 5e

 Автор: Loyd V. Allen
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