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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)

Get Backed

Get Backed
Автор: Evan Baehr
Издательство: Ingram
Cтраниц: 1
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 0
ISBN: 9781633690738
Качество: excellent
“Anyone who comes to pitch on Shark Tank should read this book first!”—Barbara Corcoran, ABC's Shark Tank“I have seen literally thousands of companies trying to raise capital and know that a great pitch deck is critical. This book gives you the playbook for creating yours.”—Naval Ravikant, cofounder and CEO, AngelList“I raised twice the amount of money I set out to in a mere five weeks. I’m naming my firstborn child after the Evans.”—Slava Menn, cofounder and CEO, Fortified BicycleHOW DO YOU LAUNCH THE VENTURE OF YOUR DREAMS?Get Backed isn’t just about startup fundraising. It’s a handbook for anyone who has an idea and needs to build relationships to get it off the ground.Over the last 3 years, entrepreneurs Evan Loomis and Evan Baehr have raised $45 million for their own ventures, including the second largest round on the fundraising platform AngelList. In Get Backed, they show you exactly what they and dozens of others did to raise money—even the mistakes they made—while sharing the secrets of the world’s best storytellers, fundraisers, and startup accelerators. They’ll also teach you how to use “the friendship loop”, a step-by-step process that can be used to initiate and build relationships with anyone, from investors to potential cofounders. And, most of all, they’ll help you create a pitch deck, building on the real-life examples of 15 ventures that have raised over $150 million.What’s in the book?• The original pitch decks and fundraising strategies of 15 ventures that raised over $150 million• Email scripts that will get you a meeting with angel investors, venture capitalists, and potential board members• Pitching exercises developed by startup talent beds like Stanford University’s d.school and Techstars• A breakdown of the 10 essential pitch deck slides, how to create them, and what questions you should answer with each• An overview of the 5 main funding sources for startups, the pros and cons of each, and who the big players are• A crash-course in visual and presentation design that will make any deck beautiful• Templates for 4 stories every entrepreneur should know how to tell• The story of one entrepreneur who showed up in Silicon Valley with no network and six months later had investments from Fred Anderson, Bono, and Peter ThielGet Backed will show you exactly what it takes to get funded and will give you the tools to make any idea a reality.

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