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Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 The Gift of Knowledge / Ttnuwit Atawish Nch'inch'imami
 The Gift of Knowledge / Ttnuwit Atawish Nch'inch'imami

 Автор: Virginia R. Beavert

  The Gi ft of Knowledge / Ttnuwit Atawish Nch’inch’imami is a treasure trove of material for those interested in Native American culture. Author Virginia Beavert grew up in a traditional, Indian-speaking household. Both her parents and her maternal grandmother were shamans, and her childhood was populated by people who spoke tribal dialects and languages: Nez Perce, Umatilla, Klikatat, and Yakima Ichishkiin. Her work on Native languages began at
 Village “Contracts” in Tokugawa Japan
 Village “Contracts” in Tokugawa Japan

 Автор: Dan Fenno Henderson
 The Tao of Raven
 The Tao of Raven

 Автор: Ernestine Hayes

  In her first book, Blonde Indian, Ernestine Hayes powerfully recounted the story of returning to Juneau and to her Tlingit home after many years of wandering. The Tao of Raven takes up the next and, in some ways, less explored question: once the exile returns, then what? Using the story of Raven and the Box of Daylight (and relating it to Sun Tzu’s equally timeless Art of War ) to deepen her narration and reflection, Hayes expresses an ongoin

 Migrating the Black Body
 Migrating the Black Body

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Migrating the Black Body explores how visual media�from painting to photography, from global independent cinema to Hollywood movies, from posters and broadsides to digital media, from public art to graphic novels�has shaped diasporic imaginings of the individual and collective self. How is the travel of black bodies reflected in reciprocal black images? How is blackness forged and remade through diasporic visual encounters
 California through Native Eyes
 California through Native Eyes

 Автор: William J. Bauer, Jr., Jr.

  Most California histories begin with the arrival of the Spanish missionaries in the late eighteenth century and conveniently skip to the Gold Rush of 1849. Noticeably absent from these stories are the perspectives and experiences of the people who lived on the land long before European settlers arrived. Historian William Bauer seeks to correct that oversight through an innovative approach that tells California history strictly through Native per
 Japanese Prostitutes in the North American West, 1887-1920
 Japanese Prostitutes in the North American West, 1887-1920

 Автор: Kazuhiro Oharazeki

  This compelling study of a previously overlooked vice industry explores the larger structural forces that led to the growth of prostitution in Japan, the Pacific region, and the North American West at the turn of the twentieth century. Combining very personal accounts with never before examined Japanese sources, historian Kazuhiro Oharazeki traces these women’s transnational journeys from their origins in Japan to their arrival in Pacific Coast
 Bracero Railroaders
 Bracero Railroaders

 Автор: Erasmo Gamboa

  Desperate for laborers to keep the trains moving during World War II, the U.S. and Mexican governments created a now mostly forgotten bracero railroad program that sent a hundred thousand Mexican workers across the border to build and maintain railroad lines throughout the United States, particularly the West. Although both governments promised the workers adequate living arrangements and fair working conditions, most bracero railroaders lived i
 Asians in Colorado
 Asians in Colorado

 Автор: William Wei W.S.

  Providing the most comprehensive examination to date of Asians in the Centennial State, William Wei addresses a wide range of experiences, from anti-Chinese riots in late nineteenth-century Denver to the World War II incarceration of Japanese Americans at the Amache concentration camp to the more recent influx of Southeast Asian refugees and South Asian tech professionals. Drawing on a wealth of historical sources, Wei reconstructs what life was
 Native Students at Work
 Native Students at Work

 Автор: Kevin Whalen

  Native Students at Work tells the stories of Native people from around the American Southwest who participated in labor programs at Sherman Institute, a federal Indian boarding school in Riverside, California. The school placed young Native men and women in and around Los Angeles as domestic workers, farmhands, and factory laborers. For the first time, historian Kevin Whalen reveals the challenges these students faced as they left their homes
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