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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Better than the Best
 Better than the Best

 Автор: Группа авторов

  In these engaging and forthright interviews, thirteen African American athletes talk about how they endured through pain, loneliness, and rejection to become champions. In sports as diverse as football and fencing, wrestling and track and field, these men and women triumphed over the odds to become better than the best. Their legacy is in their accomplishments and in their determination to continue contributing to the societal transformation the
 The People Are Dancing Again
 The People Are Dancing Again

 Автор: Charles Wilkinson
 The Northern Region of Korea
 The Northern Region of Korea

 Автор: Sun Joo Kim

  The residents of the three northern provinces of Korea have long had cultural and linguistic characteristics that have marked them as distinct from their brethren in the central area near the capital and in the southern provinces. The making and legitimating of centralized Korean nation-states over the centuries, however, have marginalized the northern region and its distinct subjectivities.Contributors to this book address the problem of amnesi

 Shadow Tribe
 Shadow Tribe

 Автор: Andrew H. Fisher

  Shadow Tribe offers the first in-depth history of the Pacific Northwest�s Columbia River Indians – the defiant River People whose ancestors refused to settle on the reservations established for them in central Oregon and Washington. Largely overlooked in traditional accounts of tribal dispossession and confinement, their story illuminates the persistence of off-reservation Native communities and the fluidity of their identities over t
 Mobility and Cultural Authority in Contemporary China
 Mobility and Cultural Authority in Contemporary China

 Автор: Pal Nyiri
 China Watcher
 China Watcher

 Автор: Richard Baum

  This audacious and illuminating memoir by Richard Baum, a senior China scholar and sometime policy advisor, reflects on forty years of learning about and interacting with the People�s Republic of China, from the height of Maoism during the author�s UC Berkeley student days in the volatile 1960s through globalization. Anecdotes from Baum�s professional life illustrate the alternately peculiar, frustrating, fascina
 The Sichuan Frontier and Tibet
 The Sichuan Frontier and Tibet

 Автор: Yingcong Dai

  During China's last dynasty, the Qing (1644-1911), the empire's remote, bleak, and politically insignificant Southwest rose to become a strategically vital area. This study of the imperial government's handling of the southwestern frontier illuminates issues of considerable importance in Chinese history and foreign relations: Sichuan's rise as a key strategic area in relation to the complicated struggle between the Zunghar Mo
 Communist Multiculturalism
 Communist Multiculturalism

 Автор: Susan McCarthy

  The communist Chinese state promotes the distinctiveness of the many minorities within its borders. At the same time, it is vigilant in suppressing groups that threaten the nation's unity or its modernizing goals. In Communist Multiculturalism, Susan K. McCarthy examines three minority groups in the province of Yunnan, focusing on the ways in which they have adapted to the government's nationbuilding and minority nationalities policies
 Japanese Assimilation Policies in Colonial Korea, 1910-1945
 Japanese Assimilation Policies in Colonial Korea, 1910-1945

 Автор: Mark E. Caprio
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