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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Mental Wellness in Adults with Down Syndrome
 Mental Wellness in Adults with Down Syndrome

 Автор: Dennis Mcguire

  In this groundbreaking book, the founding directors of the Adult Down Syndrome Center of Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, Illinois–the first and premier facility of its type in North America–share nearly 30 years of combined experience treating more than 3,000 adolescents and adults with Down syndrome aged 12 to 83. Mental Wellness is an invaluable resource for parents, mental health professionals, teachers and caregivers who want to und
 The Boy's Guide to Growing Up
 The Boy's Guide to Growing Up

 Автор: Terri Couwenhoven

  Written at a third-grade reading level for boys ages 9-16 with Down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, fragile X, or other special needs. The author, a certified sexuality educator, draws on more than 20 years experience conducting workshops on puberty and sexuality issues with boys, girls, families, and professionals. The book's succint text, realistic illustrations, and learning activities enable boys to read the book
 Babies with Down Syndrome, Third Edition
 Babies with Down Syndrome, Third Edition

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Babies with Down Syndrome, the trustworthy guide which has benefited thousands of families since it was first published in 1985, is completely revised and updated in a new, third edition. Covering the best practices for raising and caring for children with Down syndrome through age five, this book is invaluable to new parents who have welcomed a baby with Down syndrome into their lives. This new edition incorporates the latest scientific, medi

 Down Syndrome Parenting 101
 Down Syndrome Parenting 101

 Автор: Natalie Hale

  Down Syndrome Parenting 101 is a savvy book for parents, grandparents, teachers, and anyone who shares life with a person with Down syndrome! It's full of uplifting advice and best practices gleaned from the author's personal and professional experiences raising a son, now an adult, and teaching educators and parents how to teach children with Down syndrome to read.
Down Syndrome Parenting 101 offers inspired takes on a host o
 The Girls' Guide to Growing Up
 The Girls' Guide to Growing Up

 Автор: Terri Couwenhoven

  Here's a book just for girls beginning a new phase of their lives! This appealing and easy-to-follow guide for girls with intellectual disabilities is an introduction to the physical and emotional changes they'll encounter during puberty. Written on a third-grade reading level for preteens or young teenaged girls to read by themselves or with a parent, it's filled with age-appropriate facts, realistic illustrations and photos, ico
 The FOX & the HAWK
 The FOX & the HAWK

 Автор: Barbara Kennedy MPH/MSW

  &quot;The Fox and the Hawk&quot; Is Unusual Love Prose with Teaching Moments, Newest From Madison Avenue Publishers<br><br>&quot;The Fox and the Hawk,&quot; is a refreshingly original short story with teaching moments for readers 7-years-old and up. Written by Barbara Kennedy (MPH/MSW), the story develops as does the tenuous relationship between a (girl) Fox and a (boy) Hawk, who start off with seemingly nothing in co
 Positive Parenting Book: Everything You Need to Know to Have Happy and Well-Behaved Child
 Positive Parenting Book: Everything You Need to Know to Have Happy and Well-Behaved Child

 Автор: Dorothy Inc. Howard

  This is an in-depth book about the different trials and tribulations that each parent can encounter as they raise their children. <br><br>You&#39;ve probably encountered this situation before: You sit down to eat dinner and suddenly one of your lovely little darlings decides to throw a meatball at one of their siblings. You&#39;ve also probably taken one of your kids to the supermarket and gotten as far as the cereal aisle wh
 Culturism: A Word, A Value, Our Future
 Culturism: A Word, A Value, Our Future

 Автор: John Kenneth Press PhD

  Culturism is the opposite of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism says that western nations have no core culture; our lands are just neutral spaces where random cultures assemble. Culturism acknowledges that we have a core culture rooted in Athens and Jerusalem. <br><br>Culturism defies globalism. Islamic nations and China do not believe in rights, the relative separation of church and state, democracy, or free speech. These are not un
 The Color of Creatorship
 The Color of Creatorship

 Автор: Anjali Vats
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