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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Too Safe For Their Own Good?, Second Edition
 Too Safe For Their Own Good?, Second Edition

 Автор: Jennie Lindon
 It Hurts You Inside
 It Hurts You Inside

 Автор: Tina Hyder
 Helping Babies and Toddlers Learn, Second Edition
 Helping Babies and Toddlers Learn, Second Edition

 Автор: Jennie Lindon

 Exercising Muscles and Minds
 Exercising Muscles and Minds

 Автор: Marjorie Ouvry
 Children and Decision Making
 Children and Decision Making

 Автор: Ian Butler
 The Autism Discussion Page on anxiety, behavior, school, and parenting strategies
 The Autism Discussion Page on anxiety, behavior, school, and parenting strategies

 Автор: Bill Nason

  The Autism Discussion Page green book covers anxiety and stress, challenging behaviors, stretching comfort zones, discipline, and school issues. It also provides more general teaching and mentoring strategies for coaching children on the autism spectrum in basic daily living strategies to improve their day-to-day lives. Based on posts on the popular online community page and organised by subject for ease of reference, this book offers an excell
 Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
 Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

 Автор: Maria Catterick

  Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a useful introduction to the most common non-genetic learning disability, which is caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Written by two FASD experts, it describes how alcohol can harm the foetus and disrupt development, and explains how FASD affects individuals at different stages of their lives. With the aid of simple, illustrative diagrams, photographs and charts, it shows how
 How to Get Kids Offline, Outdoors, and Connecting with Nature
 How to Get Kids Offline, Outdoors, and Connecting with Nature

 Автор: Bonnie Thomas

  Full of ideas, activities and exercises, this book provides imaginative ways to inspire young people to put down the computer games, disconnect from social media, and spend more time away from a screen. In an increasingly electronic world, creating enthusiasm for the great outdoors can seem an impossible task. Yet, the benefits of nature are endless, and they extend further than just improving physical health; being in natural surroundings is al
 Genetic Syndromes and Applied Behaviour Analysis
 Genetic Syndromes and Applied Behaviour Analysis

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This ground-breaking resource demonstrates how genetic knowledge can influence our understanding of a child's behaviour and therefore inform their behavioural support plan. With expert advice and clear instructions, it shows exactly how to go about incorporating syndrome knowledge into ABA practice and start treating children with specific genetic syndromes more effectively. Six different genetic syndromes are covered in detail, ranging fro
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