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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Liam Wins the Game, Sometimes
 Liam Wins the Game, Sometimes

 Автор: Jane Whelen-Banks

  Liam loves playing games. His favourite game is 'Woof Woof' which he loves to play with Daddy. When Liam collects all the bones and Daddy loses, he says 'Good game Liam'.When Daddy wins, he gets to shout 'Woof Woof – I win!'. Liam does not like it when he doesn't win. In Liam Wins the Game, Sometimes, lovable Liam learns that it is ok to feel disappointed if you don't win, but that it's not ok to moa
 iam Says "Sorry
 iam Says "Sorry

 Автор: Jane Whelen-Banks

  Liam has a wonderful big brother called Jamie. Liam and Jamie play lots of fun things together, like computer battle games, sword fighting and pillow boffing. Liam's favourite game though is wrestling. One day when they were wrestling, Jamie had Liam pinned on the ground. Liam got frustrated and whacked Jamie on the nose. Making mistakes goes hand in hand with learning. It is a fact of life to which none of us are immune. Yet it is not our
 iam Says "Hi
 iam Says "Hi

 Автор: Jane Whelen-Banks

  This is Liam. Liam has lots of friends who love him and want to play with him. When we get together with friends, we greet them by looking at their face and saying, 'Hi'. We don't look down or look away and say nothing. We don't run off when friends arrive. They will think they don't want to play with us! Introductions can be awkward for many children. For some, however, making eye contact, and acknowledging another per

 Liam Knows What To Do When Kids Act Snitty
 Liam Knows What To Do When Kids Act Snitty

 Автор: Jane Whelen-Banks

  Liam is a very talented boy. He can do lots of neat things, like tricks, tumbles and freaky faces. One day, Liam decided to impress his friend Sarah with a super-duper somersault on the couch. Sara said: 'So?' In Liam Knows What to do When Kids Act Snitty, lovable Liam finds out why his amazing feats of greatness are sometimes met with snide or snitty responses. He learns that when kids are snitty, it does not mean they don't lik
 Liam Goes Poo in the Toilet
 Liam Goes Poo in the Toilet

 Автор: Jane Whelen-Banks

  This is Liam. Every day Liam eats lots of good food. Each time Liam eats, his tummy gets fuller and fuller… and fuller… until Liam's tummy starts to stretch' Successful toilet training is a time of celebration for both parents and child. It marks the end of dirty diapers and a forward step in the development of a child. Fraught with both stress and triumph, the period of toilet training can take from days to months. For a typical chil
 How to Make Your Care Home Fun
 How to Make Your Care Home Fun

 Автор: Sue Rolfe

  As we grow older, our need to be engaged in interesting activities does not diminish and is vital to our quality of life. How to Make Your Care Home Fun examines the need for activities for elderly people in care and offers a practical programme of entertaining activities that can be used in nursing and residential homes, day centres, rehabilitation centres and hospices. As well as suggesting a programme of activities for older people in care h
 Fun with Messy Play
 Fun with Messy Play

 Автор: Tracy Beckerleg

  Funny smells, sticky hands and squishy textures are all part of the way in which children develop sensory awareness. Fun with Messy Play is an exciting activity book that heightens the sensory perception of children with special needs through the imaginative use of everyday 'messy' materials like baked beans, condensed milk, jelly or glue. The activities in this book are fun for children and help to improve their co-ordination, commun
 Educating Difficult Adolescents
 Educating Difficult Adolescents

 Автор: Jennifer K Beecham
 Children with Mental Disorder and the Law
 Children with Mental Disorder and the Law

 Автор: Anthony Harbour
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