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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Deinstitutionalization and People with Intellectual Disabilities
 Deinstitutionalization and People with Intellectual Disabilities

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This international collection of personal and professional perspectives takes a fresh look at deinstitutionalization. It addresses the key steps towards deinstitutionalization as they have been experienced by people with intellectual disabilities: living inside total institutions, moving out, living in the community and moving on to new forms of both institutionalization and community life. Many of the chapters are contributions from people wit
 Assessing and Developing Communication and Thinking Skills in People with Autism and Communication Difficulties
 Assessing and Developing Communication and Thinking Skills in People with Autism and Communication Difficulties

 Автор: Kate Silver

  This fully photocopiable resource offers a flexible framework for the assessment and measurement of the communication skills of children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs). Packed with practical assessment and planning sheets, it enables teachers, educators and other professionals to observe and record how children use and understand language, and to follow their progress over time. The completed assessment record is an accessible summary
 Therapeutic Approaches in Work with Traumatised Children and Young People
 Therapeutic Approaches in Work with Traumatised Children and Young People

 Автор: Patrick Tomlinson

 Therapeutic Communities for Children and Young People
 Therapeutic Communities for Children and Young People

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Tackling the difficult issues facing those who work with traumatized and sometimes dangerous young people and their families, this new volume shows how professionals can bring about positive change and growth through the creation of «holding» and healing therapeutic environments. This collection of papers written by established and respected experts with extensive practice and research experience builds a powerful picture of the theory and pract
 Support Groups for Older People Who Have Been Abused
 Support Groups for Older People Who Have Been Abused

 Автор: Jacki Pritchard
 Understanding Care Homes
 Understanding Care Homes

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Design for Nature in Dementia Care
 Design for Nature in Dementia Care

 Автор: Garuth Chalfont

  Maintaining a connection to nature is increasingly recognised as an important component of caring for a person with dementia. Design for Nature in Dementia Care provides comprehensive examples of ways to connect to nature through indoor and outdoor activities. The author describes a wide range of activities that offer a connection to nature, such as caring for house plants and pets, gardening and cooking, practising handicrafts and domestic cho
 Assessing Behaviors Regarded as Problematic
 Assessing Behaviors Regarded as Problematic

 Автор: John Clements
 Why Do You Do That?
 Why Do You Do That?

 Автор: Mary Robertson

  Written specifically for siblings of children with Tourette Syndrome (TS), Why Do You Do That? is an age-appropriate source of information for children and adolescents aged 8 to 16. Uttom Chowdhury and Mary Robertson describe tics and Tourette's in clear, child-friendly terms and provide a simple explanation of the biological causes. Other chapters focus on living with someone who has TS, associated features such as obsessive-compulsive di
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