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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Children's Unspoken Language
 Children's Unspoken Language

 Автор: Gwyneth Doherty-Sneddon

  Gwyneth Doherty-Sneddon, a developmental psychologist and the mother of two young children, demonstrates the way in which a young child's developing personality and intelligence is revealed through non-verbal communication. She shows how parents and other adults have the potential to facilitate a child's social and intellectual growth through acknowledging and responding to this unspoken language. Taking an in-depth look at four of t

 Автор: Brigid Daniel
 The School Years
 The School Years

 Автор: Brigid Daniel

 Journeys into Palliative Care
 Journeys into Palliative Care

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Assessing Children's Needs and Circumstances
 Assessing Children's Needs and Circumstances

 Автор: Steve Walker

  Drawing on in-depth interviews with social workers and their managers, and families and young people themselves, the authors of this important book show how the principles embodied in the Assessment Framework have been applied to social work practice. Revisiting the principles outlined in the legislative context and the Assessment Framework, they show how the focus on assessment has affected the work with children, and the experiences of childre
 Pre-Schoolers with Autism
 Pre-Schoolers with Autism

 Автор: Avril Brereton

  The title is an effective, manualized parent education programme' – Educational Book Review This ground-breaking training programme has been developed in response to a real need for evidence-based early interventions for very young autistic children. Authoritative and extensively tried and tested, it will help both parents and carers to understand the disorder and how it affects child development. Ultimately, the programme is design
 Tics and Tourette Syndrome
 Tics and Tourette Syndrome

 Автор: Uttom Chowdhury

  This essential guide to tic disorders and Tourette Syndrome tackles problems faced both at home and at school, such as adjusting to the diagnosis, the effect on siblings and classroom difficulties. Dr Chowdhury offers advice on how to manage symptoms, describing practical techniques such as habit reversal and massed practice and reviewing available medical treatments. In clear, accessible language, this book explains the clinical signs and sympt
 Health and Safety
 Health and Safety

 Автор: Suzan Collins
 Effective Communication
 Effective Communication

 Автор: Suzan Collins

  Social care workers in residential or domiciliary settings need to be able to communicate effectively in order to carry out their work. Supporting people with a variety of difficulties including hearing loss, impaired speech, visual impairment, dementia and physical and learning disabilities requires a range of communication skills, such as listening, sign language, writing notes, and using body language, touch and stimulation. This workbook w
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