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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Getting Your Kid on a Gluten-Free Casein-Free Diet
 Getting Your Kid on a Gluten-Free Casein-Free Diet

 Автор: Susan Lord

  Gluten-free casein-free diets are widely used to improve cognitive function, speech patterns, behavior, and general well-being in children on the autistic spectrum. Written by a registered dietician and mother of a child who is thriving on a gluten-free casein-free diet, this practical guide covers everything from how to get your child on the diet, to daily meal plans, recipes and handy shopping lists. Susan Lord offers sound nutritional advice
 The Ethic of Traditional Communities and the Spirit of Healing Justice
 The Ethic of Traditional Communities and the Spirit of Healing Justice

 Автор: Jarem Sawatsky

  What is healing justice? Who practices it? What does it look like? In this groundbreaking international comparative study on healing justice, Jarem Sawatsky examines traditional communities including Hollow Water – an Aboriginal and Metis community in Canada renowned for their holistic healing work in the face of 80 per cent sexual abuse rates; the Iona Community – a dispersed Christian ecumenical community in Scotland known for their work towar
 Girls Growing Up on the Autism Spectrum
 Girls Growing Up on the Autism Spectrum

 Автор: Shana Nichols

  This book is not only reassuring; it is inspiring, and bursting with ideas and achievable strategies. The authors write with authority and conviction, and tackle even the most difficult and delicate of topics. If ever you needed to be convinced that girls with ASD can overcome the difficulties and challenges of puberty and adolescence, have successful friendships and relationships and enjoy a healthy sexuality, then take the time to read this bo

 Help your Child or Teen Get Back On Track
 Help your Child or Teen Get Back On Track

 Автор: Kenneth Talan

  Help Your Child or Teen Get Back on Track offers specific self-help interventions and a wide-ranging, practical discussion of the types of professional help available for a child or adolescent with emotional and behavioral problems. The book covers topics that would be discussed during a consultation with a child psychiatrist. The first section offers practical guidance and ideas to help parents understand their child's problems and learn
 Being White in the Helping Professions
 Being White in the Helping Professions

 Автор: Judy Ryde

  In this reflective yet practical book, the author challenges white helping professionals to recognize their own cultural identity and the impact it has when practising in a multicultural environment. Judy Ryde reveals how white people have implicit and explicit advantages and privileges that often go unnoticed by them. She suggests that in order to work effectively in a multicultural setting, this privilege needs to be fully acknowledged and co
 Connecting through Music with People with Dementia
 Connecting through Music with People with Dementia

 Автор: Robin Rio

  For people with dementia, the world can become a lonely and isolated place. Music has long been a vital instrument in transcending cognitive issues; bringing people together, and allowing a person to live in the moment. Connecting through Music with People with Dementia explains how a caregiver can learn to use melody or rhythm to connect with someone who may be otherwise non-responsive, and how memories can be stimulated by music that resonates
 Autism Heroes
 Autism Heroes

 Автор: Barbara Firestone
 A Will of His Own
 A Will of His Own

 Автор: Kelly Harland

  Kelly Harland's stories explore her son's life to the age of 14, and the new and unexpected universe she and her husband – both professional musicians – must learn to navigate with him. Will's fears, anxieties, and obsessions can dominate daily life, making a trip to the grocery store seem like a walk across a minefield. But amidst these unpredictable 'flip-outs' and 'freak-outs,' there are moments of wonder.
 Planning to Learn
 Planning to Learn

 Автор: Keely Harper-Hill
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