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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
 At Home in the Land of Oz
 At Home in the Land of Oz

 Автор: Anne Barnhill

  Anne's sister Becky was born in 1958, long before most people had even heard of autism. Diagnosed with «emotional disturbance,» Becky was subjected for much of her childhood to well-meaning but futile efforts at «rehabilitation» or «cure,» as well as prolonged spells in institutions away from her family. Painting a vivid picture of growing up in small-town America during the Sixties, Anne describes her sister's and her own painful chi
 Understanding Your Young Child with Special Needs
 Understanding Your Young Child with Special Needs

 Автор: Pamela Bartram
 Tales from the Table
 Tales from the Table

 Автор: Margaret Anderson

  Tales from the Table is a practitioner's account of the successes and limitations of using Lovaas/ABA home education with five young boys on the autistic spectrum. The abilities and skills of these children before, during and after intervention are documented with a focus on the realities of undertaking Lovaas/ABA home education: the impact of a 35-hour learning week on both child and parents, changing tutors and issues of commitment to th

 Special Stories for Disability Awareness
 Special Stories for Disability Awareness

 Автор: Mal Leicester
 Sensory Stimulation
 Sensory Stimulation

 Автор: Susan Fowler
 Building a Joyful Life with your Child who has Special Needs
 Building a Joyful Life with your Child who has Special Needs

 Автор: Linda Roan-Yager
 Practical Sensory Programmes
 Practical Sensory Programmes

 Автор: Sue Larkey
 Improving Children's Services Networks
 Improving Children's Services Networks

 Автор: Jane Aldgate
 Working with Parents of Young People
 Working with Parents of Young People

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This book provides practical guidance for a wide range of professionals working with parents and families, answering common questions such as 'How can parents facilitate their child's transition to secondary school?' and 'How can families best communicate about alcohol?'. Drawing on the findings from years of applied research projects carried out by the Trust for the Study of Adolescence, each chapter focuses on a parti
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