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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 New Families, Old Scripts
 New Families, Old Scripts

 Автор: Caroline Archer

  Most adopted children and their families will, sooner or later, encounter the challenges of dealing with unresolved attachment issues or early traumatic experiences. New Families, Old Scripts is an accessible introduction to understanding these challenges and helping children and their families to develop a shared language and understanding of one another. Steeped in the experience of the authors, the book offers a wealth of practical guidance
 The Spirit of the Child
 The Spirit of the Child

 Автор: David Hay

  Spirituality is increasingly acknowledged to be an essential part of child development. David Hay argues for the inclusion of spiritual awareness as a cross-curricular element in the school syllabus to promote the development of morality and social cohesion. While culturally constructed pressures and the decline in institutional religion have led to the suppression of spiritual expression, children are, the author maintains, capable of profound
 The Developing World of the Child
 The Developing World of the Child

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This important text shows how child development theory applies to professionals' working practice. Considering theories of development throughout the lifespan from the early years through to adolescence, and transitions to adulthood, this resource is essential reading for a range of professionals including social workers, teachers, and health and mental health professionals. The authors build up an integrated picture of the developing world

 Achieving Best Behavior for Children with Developmental Disabilities
 Achieving Best Behavior for Children with Developmental Disabilities

 Автор: Pamela Lewis

  Achieving good behavior and social skills in a child with developmental disabilities can often be very difficult, and methods that improve behavior in other children are often unsuitable or ineffective. Achieving Best Behavior for Children with Developmental Disabilities is an accessible workbook designed specifically for parents of children with developmental disabilities. It offers practical, hands-on advice and step-by-step instructions for
 Applied Behaviour Analysis and Autism
 Applied Behaviour Analysis and Autism

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) is an effective behavioural treatment programme widely used with children with autism to improve socially significant behaviours. This practical book gives detailed guidance on how to develop a tailored ABA programme that includes the key features of ABA: detailed individual behaviour assessment, reinforcement strategies to encourage new behaviours and systematic programme implementation. Chapters also include i
 Asperger's Syndrome and High Achievement
 Asperger's Syndrome and High Achievement

 Автор: Ioan James

  This book describes the lives and personalities of 20 remarkable people from the past, who may well have had Asperger's syndrome (AS). Famous in the fields of art, literature and science, among others, they illustrate vividly how highly intelligent people are able to surmount some of the problems that AS causes and achieve so much – more than might have been possible without it.' – Human Givens 'The aim of this book is to r

 Автор: George Lynn

  Genius! is an inspiring guide to nurturing the remarkable abilities of «attention different» (AD) children diagnosed with conditions such as autism, Asperger Syndrome, AD/HD, bipolar disorder, or Tourette Syndrome (TS). Drawing on their experiences with their own son, who has TS, George T. Lynn and Joanne Barrie Lynn offer a positive parenting philosophy and successful strategies for creating an affirmative social and emotional environment that
 The Pampered Child Syndrome
 The Pampered Child Syndrome

 Автор: Maggie Mamen

  The Pampered Child Syndrome is a welcome source of advice for parents or professionals working with children who are given all the love and care they need, yet who remain unhappy, anxious or angry. This book argues that we live in a society where real progress has been made in the development of child-centered parenting, education and care, but that this cultural shift has produced a generation of children who are entitled to the same rights as

 Автор: Federica Caracciolo
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