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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Integrating Care for Older People
 Integrating Care for Older People

 Автор: Christopher Foote
 Faith, Stories and the Experience of Black Elders
 Faith, Stories and the Experience of Black Elders

 Автор: Anthony G Reddie
 Early Experience and the Life Path
 Early Experience and the Life Path

 Автор: Alan Clarke R.

 Reducing Stress-related Behaviours in People with Dementia
 Reducing Stress-related Behaviours in People with Dementia

 Автор: Chris Bonner

  In Reducing Stress-Related Behaviours in people with Dementia, Chris Bonner has written a thoroughly entertaining, yet highly instructive, manual for people with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias… I highly recommend that everyone who encounters persons with Alzheimer's disease or other dementias, routinely or occasionally, read through this manual. Even for seasoned professionals or family members who have given 10 years to the c
 Depression in Later Life
 Depression in Later Life

 Автор: Steve Iliffe

  This accessible and authoritative book provides an invaluable guide to identifying, treating and preventing depression in later life. Jill Manthorpe and Steve Iliffe take a multidisciplinary approach and employ both medical and psycho-social models of depression. The medical model is used to identify symptoms, make diagnoses and work towards optimal treatment. Psycho-social perspectives provide insight into the scale and complexity of the condi
 Conduct Disorder and Behavioural Parent Training
 Conduct Disorder and Behavioural Parent Training

 Автор: Dermot OReilly

  Progress made with children with conduct disorder in specialist schools often does not transfer to the home, but this book shows how behavioural parent training and applied behaviour analysis can help professionals work with parents to continue improving their child's behaviour. Conduct Disorder and Behavioural Parent Training provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of conduct disorder and the individual, familial and social fac
 Pre-Schoolers with Autism
 Pre-Schoolers with Autism

 Автор: Avril Brereton
 Psychological Processes in Deaf Children with Complex Needs
 Psychological Processes in Deaf Children with Complex Needs

 Автор: Lindsey Edwards

  `This volume offers a broad perspective on psychological processes in children with complex needs. Armed with this valuable tool, professionals, parents, and educators will be much better prepared to offer deaf and hard of hearing children the support and opportunities they deserve.' – from the Foreword by Marc Marschark Psychological Processes in Deaf Children with Complex Needs is a concise and authoritative guide for professionals
 Older Women in the Criminal Justice System
 Older Women in the Criminal Justice System

 Автор: Azrini Wahidin
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