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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Child Welfare Services for Minority Ethnic Families
 Child Welfare Services for Minority Ethnic Families

 Автор: Ashok Chand
 The Seduction of Children
 The Seduction of Children

 Автор: Christiane Sanderson

  This highly accessible and informative book offers practical strategies for the protection of children that all parents, teachers, and anyone involved in the life of a child will find indispensable. Providing the reader with an understanding of typical/normative sexual development in children, Christiane Sanderson enables parents and teachers to distinguish this from atypical sexual development and recognize the warning signs of sexual abuse. T
 Surviving the Special Educational Needs System
 Surviving the Special Educational Needs System

 Автор: Sandy Row

  Some children's 'difficulties' do not present in an obvious way, which makes diagnosis problematic, and access to help unforthcoming. This was the experience of Sandy Row, who, after a decade of misdiagnoses and unsatisfactory explanations for her children's struggle in mainstream school, realised that her children had special educational needs (SEN) and began her long quest for help from the SEN system. Row's testimony

 Male Victims of Elder Abuse
 Male Victims of Elder Abuse

 Автор: Jacki Pritchard
 ADD and Me
 ADD and Me

 Автор: Ken Patterson
 David's Secret Soccer Goals
 David's Secret Soccer Goals

 Автор: Caroline Levine
 Responding to Self-Harm in Children and Adolescents
 Responding to Self-Harm in Children and Adolescents

 Автор: Steven Walker

  Self-harm is a growing problem in children and young people but it can be hard to understand and difficult to recognise. Responding to Self-Harm in Children and Adolescents will help professionals to understand self-harm and respond appropriately. It covers what the risk factors are, including social exclusion, and who is most likely to self-harm. Information on what self-harm is and what causes it, including mental health issues, problems in c
 Toddler Adoption
 Toddler Adoption

 Автор: Mary Hopkins-Best

  Toddler Adoption looks at the unique joys and challenges of adopting and parenting a toddler. When a child aged is adopted between the ages of 12 to 36 months, they often show signs of cognitive and emotional immaturity, which can cause behavioral and relational issues. This book offers support and practical tools to help parents prepare for and support the toddler's transition between the familiar environment of their biological parent&a
 Therapeutic Residential Care for Children and Young People
 Therapeutic Residential Care for Children and Young People

 Автор: Patrick Tomlinson

  Children and young people in care who have been traumatized need a therapeutic environment where they can heal and which meets their emotional and developmental needs. This book provides a model of care for traumatized children and young people, based on theory and practice experience pioneered at the Lighthouse Foundation, Australia. The authors explain the impact of trauma on child development, drawing on psychodynamic, attachment and neurobi
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