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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Make-Believe Play and Story-Based Drama in Early Childhood
 Make-Believe Play and Story-Based Drama in Early Childhood

 Автор: Carol Woodard
 Life Story Therapy with Traumatized Children
 Life Story Therapy with Traumatized Children

 Автор: Richard Rose

  Life Story Therapy is an approach designed to enable children to explore, question and understand the past events of their lives. It aims to secure their future through strengthening attachment with their carers and providing the opportunity to develop a healthy sense of self and a feeling of wellbeing. This comprehensive overview lays out the theory underlying life story therapy, including an accessible explanation of contemporary research in
 Developmental Assessment of the School-Aged Child with Developmental Disabilities
 Developmental Assessment of the School-Aged Child with Developmental Disabilities

 Автор: M. S. Thambirajah

  Children and adolescents with emotional and behavioural problems who are referred to mental health services for assessment often have undiagnosed mild learning disabilities, and this guide is written for clinicians involved in making such assessments. It provides full guidance on common developmental disorders and their assessment, focusing on mild to moderate disabilities in the school-aged child. It covers intellectual disabilities, dyslexia,

 Refugees from Slavery
 Refugees from Slavery

 Автор: Группа авторов

  In the mid-1850s, Boston abolitionist Benjamin Drew visited numerous Canadian towns, interviewing scores of refugees from Southern slave states and taking notes of what they had to say. For reasons of safety, he protected the identity of his informants and used fictitious names.Drew's subsequent book was an immediate response to a volume by a Boston preacher who opposed abolition. Drew's soul-stirring account, the culmination of countl
 Hear Me Talkin' to Ya
 Hear Me Talkin' to Ya

 Автор: Nat Hentoff

  "Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your wisdom. If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn." — Charlie Parker"What is jazz? The rhythm — the feeling." — Coleman Hawkins"The best sound usually comes the first time you do something. If it's spontaneous, it's going to be rough, not clean, but it's going to have the spirit which is the essence of jazz." — Dave
 Algonquin Legends
 Algonquin Legends

 Автор: Charles G. Leland

  This classic collection contains myths, legends, and folklore of the principal Wabanaki, or northeastern Algonquin Indians, i.e. the Passamaquoddies and Penobscots of Maine and the Micmacs of New Brunswick. Most of this material was gathered directly from Indian narrators by Charles G. Leland (1824-1903), a brilliant and gifted Philadelphia-born journalist, essayist, and folklorist.In compiling the work, Leland noted interesting affinities betwe
 Slave Insurrections in the United States, 1800-1865
 Slave Insurrections in the United States, 1800-1865

 Автор: Joseph Cephas Carroll

  Accounts of slave uprisings have been a largely neglected phase of American history. News of such events was consistently suppressed in earlier times by masters for fear this information might inspire other slaves to revolt. Sources documenting such events were scarce; locating them and obtaining access to them were tremendous tasks. This objective and fully documented work describes early insurrectionary movements, rebellions at sea, and the Ne
 Weaving a Navajo Blanket
 Weaving a Navajo Blanket

 Автор: Gladys A. Reichard

  The author spent four summers (1930–33) living and working among the Navajo, during which time she learned the principles of weaving. In this book she takes readers through the same process, introducing the careful details, the personalities she encountered, and the materials and methods of weaving in the Navajo style.The spinning of the yarn, the dyes, the equipment, the weaving processes, the designs and colors, even the tensions and
 The School and Society & The Child and the Curriculum
 The School and Society & The Child and the Curriculum

 Автор: Джон Дьюи

  One of the most influential forces in the shaping of American education, the famed philosopher and psychologist John Dewey (1859–1952) believed in «viewing the education of the child in the light of the principles of mental activity and processes of growth made know by modern psychology.» As the administrator of the University of Chicago's laboratory school — which he established in 1896 and which was one of the first su
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