Sex & Diabetes is the first book ever to deal exclusively with sexual problems as they relate to diabetes— and the only book to discuss issues that relate to both men and women.It also shows you how sexual problems can be prevented or delayed and discusses treatments options that currently exist. Sex & Diabetes highlights the value of communication between sexual partners and the importance of having an open relationship with he ...
The American Diabetes Association—the nation's leading health organization supporting diabetes research, information, and advocacy—has completely revised this comprehensive home reference to provide all the information a person needs to live an active, healthy life with diabetes. Now in its fifth edition, this extensive resource contains information on the best self-care techniques and the latest medical advances. For peop ...
Epidemiology of type 2 diabetes in youth, including evidence for and magnitude of the epidemic; pathophysiology in youth, case-finding criteria, and when to consider the possibility of type 2; and how to diagnose and treat diabetes in children and adolescents. ...
Providing care for a young adult with type 1 diabetes during this stage can be difficult as well. Transitions in Care serves as a coaching manual for health care providers and parents, and as a guide to self-care and independence for young adults with diabetes. It demystifies a complicated period in a life with type 1 diabetes and makes the passage to adulthood easier for everyone involved. ...
Information for motivating people to learn, assessing learning needs, evaluating teaching techniques & classes, making learning fun for both teacher & students, developing an education class or entire education program & teaching colleagues how to teach. ...
Diabetes care guidelines, protocols, and facts for all healthy care professionals to apply at the point of care for type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes; compiled by hospital-based diabetes care experts. ...
Newly updated, Complete Nurse’s Guide to Diabetes Care, second edition, is the essential reference for nurses who work with diabetes patients. Get the latest details on the pertinent aspects of diabetes care and newest research, including diabetes complications, care and management approaches, and other diseases that affect the treatment of diabetes. This revised edition also features:A new chapter on patients with cancer and diabetesE ...
People with diabetes are 1.6 times more likely than people without diabetes to use a complementary or alternative medicine supplement. This clinician’s guide will give you facts and tips to help your patients successfully consider using a CAM supplement. Includes: in-depth descriptions of botanical and nonbotanical CAM supplements to treat diabetes; tables organizing supplements and therapies for quick reference; and review of clinical ...