In the weeks following the death of my son Tony aged just Thirteen, I started writing his memoirs as cathartic therapy in an effort to make some sense of the turmoil I was experiencing and to contain the anger I was feeling.<br>Tony was to experience many prejudices in his life. Bullied from a young age, racism and from the age of nine, he was to live as a diabetic that proved to be brittle and difficult to control.<br>Tony always ro ...
With more than 3,5 million South Africans having diabetes and more than 150 million worldwide with metabolic syndrome (which includes diabetes), often undiagnosed, this book comes at exactly the right time. Well-known South African medical doctor, author and expert on holistic integrative medicine, Dr Arien van der Merwe, explains precisely what diabetes is, its symptoms and the different types – 1, 2 and 3, what causes diabetes, from physiology ...
Na raming het meer as 3,5 miljoen Suid-Afrikaners diabetes. Wereldwyd het ongeveer 150 miljoen mense metaboliese sindroom (wat diabetes insluit) en dit dikwels sonder dat hulle dit eers weet … Suid-Afrikaanse mediese dokter, skrywer en kenner op die gebied van holisties geintegreerde medisyne, dr Arien van der Merwe, verduidelik in hierdie tydige en maklik leesbare boek wat presies diabetes is, die simptome, en die verskillende soorte – tipe 1, ...
Over 30 million Americans with diabetes and growing Over 100 million Americans with pre-diabetes, at risk for diabetes in the future Transforms conventional diabetes care to a patient-center model Lays out a simple, data-driven approach for individuals with diabetes to achieve excellent blood sugar control Presents case-studies that reinforce common scenarios experiences by many patients with diabetes Paves the road for patients and healthcare p ...
The Endocrine System is the body's bridge between nervous and glandular functions. All chemicals released in the body likely do so through an endocrine response. In order to design exercise, dietary and supplement regimens to aid the body's performance, a basic knowledge of the roles of each element of the Endocrine System is required. Illness and other physical maladies are most evident in the body through the performance of organs an ...