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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual

Aesthetic Breast Surgery

Aesthetic Breast Surgery
Автор: Elizabeth J. Hall-Findlay
Издательство: Ingram
Cтраниц: 1
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 0
ISBN: 9781626239524
Качество: excellent
Filled with take-away messages and valuable insights, Aesthetic Breast Surgery by Elizabeth Hall-Findlay, MD, is a masterful text that you will refer to time and again. It presents a personal and time-proven approach to all forms of aesthetic breast surgery. This book is a distillation of the author's extensive experience and provides her unique perspective on problem-solving and patient analysis. Dr. Hall-Findlay has spent years measuring and studying patient results to help other surgeons use «science» to improve the «art» of aesthetic breast surgery. She has developed an approach to analysis and surgery which is simple and consistent-with results that can be achieved by all surgeons. Prepare Yourself for a Master Class in Aesthetic Breast Surgery With personal insights and wisdom pervading every page, this book provides the reader with a master class in aesthetic breast surgery by one of the world's leading experts. Dr. Hall-Findlay is widely known for her popularization of the medial pedicle approach to vertical breast reduction and this is covered in depth. However, her accomplishments in breast surgery extend far beyond this technique. Her ongoing innovations continue to advance the field. In this semi-atlas work, she brings her considerable expertise to bear on the range of aesthetic breast surgery procedures as she describes her individual approach to patient evaluation, operative planning, clinical decision-making, and operative technique. Comprehensive Coverage Divided into nine comprehensive chapters, the book begins with key chapters on analysis, concepts, applied anatomy, and patient selection that lay the foundation for the technical descriptions that follow. These introductory chapters are not to be missed. They offer a unique approach to patient assessment and alert the reader to critical anatomic landmarks that strongly influence the success of operative procedures. Concepts such as the breast footprint (high-breasted and low-breasted patients) are examined to help readers understand the realistic possibilities for what can and cannot be achieved when planning breast surgery. The emphasis is on the decision-making process involved in choosing the right approach for each patient and then planning the procedure with these landmarks in mind. The next seven chapters are devoted to operative technique. A consistent format is used in each chapter with detailed information on patient evaluation, planning, technique, revisions, complications, and outcomes. These pages are liberally illustrated with step-by-step descriptions depicting breast augmentation, vertical breast reduction with the medial pedicle, liposuction-only breast reduction, mastopexy, mastopexy/augmentation, and surgery for breast asymmetries. Information on avoidance and treatment of problems and complications is also highlighted throughout the book. Of particular note is the comprehensive information on nipple necrosis in the reduction chapter; this provides essential information to help surgeons who are faced with decreased blood supply to the nipple. Beautifully Illustrated Beautiful and dramatic color illustrations and numerous preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative images help the reader visualize the steps of each procedure and appreciate the excellent long-term results that can be achieved. Unique Features Throughout the technique chapters, artwork icons are paired with photographic images to better elucidate the surgical technique being described. Key points are highlighted, and a summary box outlining central issues concludes each chapter. Two DVDs contain operative video to complement the text.

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