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Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Wearable Computing
 Wearable Computing

 Автор: Giancarlo Fortino

  This book provides the most up-to-date research and development on wearable computing, wireless body sensor networks, wearable systems integrated with mobile computing, wireless networking and cloud computing This book has a specific focus on advanced methods for programming Body Sensor Networks (BSNs) based on the reference SPINE project. It features an on-line website (http://spine.deis.unical.it) to support readers in developing their own BSN
 Multisensor Instrumentation 6? Design
 Multisensor Instrumentation 6? Design

 Автор: Patrick Garrett H.

  A groundbreaking book based on a landmark quality initiative In today's information-driven enterprises, accuracy is essential in computer-integrated measurement and control systems, where academia, government, and industry invest considerable resources in methodologies for achieving and maintaining high performance. Multisensor Instrumentation 6? Design offers a blueprint-drawn from the author's thirty years of experience at federal laboratories
 Polarization Engineering for LCD Projection
 Polarization Engineering for LCD Projection

 Автор: Gary Sharp

  Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) projection technology has, in recent years, led the way in large area displays because of its potential to deliver scalable, high-resolution images at a low cost. Since large displayed images demand high brightness and contrast, a full understanding of polarization, and how to manage its effects, is essential for the development of quality systems. Using the example of LCD projection technology, this practical text p


 Автор: Basilio Jimenez

  This indispensable collection of seminal papers on ferroelectricity provides an overview over almost a hundred years of basic and applied research. Containing historic contributions from renowned authors, this book presents developments in an area of science that is still rapidly growing. Although primarily aimed at scientists and academics involved in research, this will also be of use to students as well as newcomers to the field.

 Автор: Sam Fuller

  RapidIO – The Embedded System Interconnect brings together one essential volume on RapidIO interconnect technology, providing a major reference work for the evaluation and understanding of RapidIO. Covering essential aspects of the specification, it also answers most usage questions from both hardware and software engineers. It will also serve as a companion text to the specifications when developing or working with the RapidIO interconnect tech

 Автор: Jurgen Schulte

  The rapid growth of miniaturisation to meet the demand for increasingly smart devices is driving global investment in a wide range of industries such as IT, electronics, energy, biotechnology and materials science. Nanotechnology: Global Strategies, Industry Trends and Applications, written by experts from Asia, Europe and the USA, gives a comprehensive and important global perspective on nanotechnology. The book is divided into 3 parts: Nationa

 Автор: Stephane Colin

  The goal of this book is to provide engineers and researchers the tools necessary for modelling, experimenting, and simulating these microflows as a preliminary step for designing and optimizing fluidic microsystems. The various consequences of miniaturization on the hydrodynamics of gas, liquid or two-phase flows, as well as associated heat transfer are analysed. The book is illustrated with examples showing the diversity and the originality of

 Автор: LinFeng Chen

  Recent advances in nanomedicine offer ground-breaking methods for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of some fatal diseases. Amongst the most promising nanomaterials being developed are magnetic nanomaterials, including magnetic nanoparticles and magnetic nanosensors. Some nanomagnetic medical applications are already commercially available with more set to be released over the coming years. Nanomedicine, Design and Applications of Magnetic

 Автор: Steven Voldman H.

  Electrostatic discharge (ESD) failure mechanisms continue to impact semiconductor components and systems as technologies scale from micro- to nano-electronics. This book studies electrical overstress, ESD, and latchup from a failure analysis and case-study approach. It provides a clear insight into the physics of failure from a generalist perspective, followed by investigation of failure mechanisms in specific technologies, circuits, and systems
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