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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Plasma Nanoscience
 Plasma Nanoscience

 Автор: Kostya Ostrikov

  Filling the need for a single work specifically addressing how to use plasma for the fabrication of nanoscale structures, this book is the first to cover plasma deposition in sufficient depth. The author has worked with numerous R&D institutions around the world, and here he begins with an introductory overview of plasma processing at micro- and nanoscales, as well as the current problems and challenges, before going on to address surface prepar
 Organic Photovoltaics
 Organic Photovoltaics

 Автор: Ullrich Scherf

  Providing complementary viewpoints from academia as well as technology companies, this book covers the three most important aspects of successful device design: materials, device physics, and manufacturing technologies. It also offers an insight into commercialization concerns, such as packaging technologies, system integration, reel-to-reel large scale manufacturing issues and production costs. With an introduction by Nobel Laureate Alan Heeger
 Carbon Nanotubes
 Carbon Nanotubes

 Автор: Stephanie Reich

  Carbon nanotubes are exceptionally interesting from a fundamental research point of view. Many concepts of one-dimensional physics have been verified experimentally such as electron and phonon confinement or the one-dimensional singularities in the density of states; other 1D signatures are still under debate, such as Luttinger-liquid behavior. Carbon nanotubes are chemically stable, mechanically very strong, and conduct electricity. For this re

 Organic Electronics
 Organic Electronics

 Автор: Hagen Klauk

  Edited and written by the leading researchers and engineers from such companies as Philips, 3M, Xerox, Infineon, PlasticLogic, Eastman Kodak, Dupont, AIXTRON, and Hueck Folien, this book presents unrivalled and undiluted expertise from those who know best how to assess the risks, opportunities and where this technology is really heading. As such, this practical approach complements the more scientific and fundamentals-oriented literature on the
 Electrical Actuators
 Electrical Actuators

 Автор: Jean-Paul Louis

  This helpful resource covers a large range of information regarding electrical actuators. In particular, robustness, a very problematic issue, is fully explored in a dedicated chapter. The text also deals with he estimate of non-measurable mechanical variables by examining the estimate of load moment, then observation of the positioning of a command without mechanical sensor. Finally, it examines the conditions needed to measure variables and re

 Автор: Gabriel Rebeiz M.

  Ultrasmall Radio Frequency and Micro-wave Microelectromechanical systems (RF MEMs), such as switches, varactors, and phase shifters, exhibit nearly zero power consumption or loss. For this reason, they are being developed intensively by corporations worldwide for use in telecommunications equipment. This book acquaints readers with the basics of RF MEMs and describes how to design practical circuits and devices with them. The author, an acknowle
 Pattern Recognition
 Pattern Recognition

 Автор: Witold Pedrycz

  A new approach to the issue of data quality in pattern recognition Detailing foundational concepts before introducing more complex methodologies and algorithms, this book is a self-contained manual for advanced data analysis and data mining. Top-down organization presents detailed applications only after methodological issues have been mastered, and step-by-step instructions help ensure successful implementation of new processes. By positioning
 Pattern Classification
 Pattern Classification

 Автор: Peter Hart E.

  The first edition, published in 1973, has become a classic reference in the field. Now with the second edition, readers will find information on key new topics such as neural networks and statistical pattern recognition, the theory of machine learning, and the theory of invariances. Also included are worked examples, comparisons between different methods, extensive graphics, expanded exercises and computer project topics. An Instructor's Manual
 Silicon Germanium
 Silicon Germanium

 Автор: Raminderpal Singh

  An excellent introduction to the SiGe BiCMOS technology, from the underlying device physics to current applications. -Ron Wilson, EETimes «SiGe technology has demonstrated the ability to provide excellent high-performance characteristics with very low noise, at high power gain, and with excellent linearity. This book is a comprehensive review of the technology and of the design methods that go with it.» -Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli Professor
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