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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Vacuum Microelectronics
 Vacuum Microelectronics

 Автор: Wei Zhu

  Expert coverage of vacuum microelectronics-principles, devices, and applications The field of vacuum microelectronics has advanced so swiftly that commercial devices are being fabricated, and applications are being developed in displays, wireless communications, spacecraft, and electronics for use in harsh environments. It is a rapidly evolving, interdisciplinary field encompassing electrical engineering, materials science, vacuum engineering, a
 Introductory Circuits
 Introductory Circuits

 Автор: Robert Spence

  Compact but comprehensive, this textbook presents the essential concepts of electronic circuit theory. As well as covering classical linear theory involving resistance, capacitance and inductance it treats practical nonlinear circuits containing components such as operational amplifiers, Zener diodes and exponential diodes. The book’s straightforward approach highlights the similarity between the equations describing direct current (DC), alterna
 System Integration
 System Integration

 Автор: Kurt Hoffmann

  The development of large-scale integrated systems on a chip has had a dramatic effect on circuit design methodology. Recent years have seen an escalation of interest in systems level integration (system-on-a-chip) and the development of low power, high chip density circuits and systems. Kurt Hoffmann sets out to address a wide range of issues relating to the design and integration of integrated circuit components and provides readers with the me

 Reflectarray Antennas
 Reflectarray Antennas

 Автор: Fan Yang

  This book provides engineers with a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art in reflectarray antenna research and development. The authors describe, in detail, design procedures for a wide range of applications, including broadband, multi-band, multi-beam, contour-beam, beam-scanning, and conformal reflectarray antennas. They provide sufficient coverage of basic reflectarray theory to fully understand reflectarray antenna design and analysis
 Evolutionary Computation
 Evolutionary Computation

 Автор: David Fogel B.

  This Third Edition provides the latest tools and techniques that enable computers to learn The Third Edition of this internationally acclaimed publication provides the latest theory and techniques for using simulated evolution to achieve machine intelligence. As a leading advocate for evolutionary computation, the author has successfully challenged the traditional notion of artificial intelligence, which essentially programs human knowledge fact
 Organizational Simulation
 Organizational Simulation

 Автор: William Rouse B.

  From modeling and simulation to games and entertainment With contributions from leaders in systems and organizational modeling, behavioral and social sciences, computing and visualization, and gaming and entertainment, Organizational Simulation both articulates the grand vision of immersive environments and shows, in detail, how to realize it. This book offers unparalleled insight into the cutting edge of the field, since it was written by those
 Smart Antennas
 Smart Antennas

 Автор: M. Salazar-Palma

  A valuable addition to the Wiley Series in Microwave and Optical Engineering Today's modern wireless mobile communications depend on adaptive «smart» antennas to provide maximum range and clarity. With the recent explosive growth of wireless applications, smart antenna technology has achieved widespread commercial and military applications. The only book available on the topic of adaptive antennas using digital technology, this text reflects the
 Adaptive Information
 Adaptive Information

 Автор: Ralph Hodgson

  New Paradigm for considering application integration and B2B problems Heightens the importance of conveying meaning between systems Addresses movement in the EAI space toward more data handling capabilities Offers a solution for the multitude of managers disconnected with the latest technologies Leverages the technical advances made in complex data integration over 15 years Shifts the focus from technology solutions to information solutions Reli
 Tech Mining
 Tech Mining

 Автор: Alan Porter L.

  Tech Mining makes exploitation of text databases meaningful to those who can gain from derived knowledge about emerging technologies. It begins with the premise that we have the information, the tools to exploit it, and the need for the resulting knowledge. The information provided puts new capabilities at the hands of technology managers. Using the material present, these managers can identify and access the most valuable technology information
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