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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
 Digital System Clocking
 Digital System Clocking

 Автор: Dejan Markovic M.

  Provides the only up-to-date source on the most recent advances in this often complex and fascinating topic. The only book to be entirely devoted to clocking Clocking has become one of the most important topics in the field of digital system design A «must have» book for advanced circuit engineers
 Asynchronous Circuit Design
 Asynchronous Circuit Design

 Автор: Chris Myers J.

  With asynchronous circuit design becoming a powerful tool in the development of new digital systems, circuit designers are expected to have asynchronous design skills and be able to leverage them to reduce power consumption and increase system speed. This book walks readers through all of the different methodologies of asynchronous circuit design, emphasizing practical techniques and real-world applications instead of theoretical simulation. The
 Service-Oriented Computing
 Service-Oriented Computing

 Автор: Munindar Singh P.

  This comprehensive text explains the principles and practice of Web services and relates all concepts to practical examples and emerging standards. Its discussions include: Ontologies Semantic web technologies Peer-to-peer service discovery Service selection Web structure and link analysis Distributed transactions Process modelling Consistency management. The application of these technologies is clearly explained within the context of planning,

 Logically Determined Design
 Logically Determined Design

 Автор: Karl Fant M.

  This seminal book presents a new logically determined design methodology for designing clockless circuit systems. The book presents the foundations, architectures and methodologies to implement such systems. Based on logical relationships, it concentrates on digital circuit system complexity and productivity to allow for more reliable, faster and cheaper products. * Transcends shortcomings of Boolean logic. * Presents theoritical foundations, ar
 Electro Static Discharge
 Electro Static Discharge

 Автор: Michel Mardiguian

  A thorough and concise treatment of ESD Recognizing its methodic, step-by-step attack of the electrostatic discharge (ESD) problem, the initial release of this book was quoted by specialists as «the most thorough and concise treatment of the broad ESD continuum that is available.» Now in its Third Edition, this book delivers the same trusted coverage of the topic while also incorporating recent technological advances that have taken place in the
 Phase-Lock Basics
 Phase-Lock Basics

 Автор: William Egan F.

  Broad-based and hands-on, Phase-Lock Basics, Second Edition is both easy to understand and easy to customize. The text can be used as a theoretical introduction for graduate students or, when used with MATLAB simulation software, the book becomes a virtual laboratory for working professionals who want to improve their understanding of the design process and apply it to the demands of specific situations. This second edition features a large body
 Advanced FPGA Design
 Advanced FPGA Design

 Автор: Steve Kilts

  This book provides the advanced issues of FPGA design as the underlying theme of the work. In practice, an engineer typically needs to be mentored for several years before these principles are appropriately utilized. The topics that will be discussed in this book are essential to designing FPGA's beyond moderate complexity. The goal of the book is to present practical design techniques that are otherwise only available through mentorship and rea
 Emerging Actuator Technologies
 Emerging Actuator Technologies

 Автор: Jose Pons L.

  Actuators are devices that convert electrical energy into mechanical work, traditionally used in electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic systems. As the demand for actuator technologies grows in biomedical, prosthetic and orthotic applications, there is an increasing need for complex and sophisticated products that perform efficiently also when scaled to micro and nano domains. Providing a comprehensive overview of actuators for novel applications,
 Grundlagen elektrischer Maschinen
 Grundlagen elektrischer Maschinen

 Автор: Bernd Ponick

  Dieses bewahrte Handbuch fur Ingenieure der Elektrotechnik liefert eine in sich geschlossene Einfuhrung in die Grundlagen elektrischer Maschinen. In klar gegliederten Hauptabschnitten werden Transformatoren, Gleichstrommaschinen, Dreiphasen-Asynchronmaschinen, Dreiphasen-Synchronmaschinen sowie grundlegende Ausfuhrungen von Einphasen-Wechelstrommaschinen umfassend behandelt. Grundlagen und allgemeine Gesetzma?igkeiten der jeweiligen Maschine wer
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