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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Handbook of Electronic Weighing
 Handbook of Electronic Weighing

 Автор: K. Norden Elis

  This book describes the fundamental principles of electronic weighing, beginning with the theoretical background of the basic components and continuing with the theoretical formulas to calculate the weighing accuracy in different applications, including the influence on accuracy of external disturbing forces. It also describes the layout and optimum composition of weighing systems for static weighing and batching, in-motion weighing, belt convey
 Rough-Fuzzy Pattern Recognition
 Rough-Fuzzy Pattern Recognition

 Автор: Pradipta Maji

  Learn how to apply rough-fuzzy computing techniques to solve problems in bioinformatics and medical image processing Emphasizing applications in bioinformatics and medical image processing, this text offers a clear framework that enables readers to take advantage of the latest rough-fuzzy computing techniques to build working pattern recognition models. The authors explain step by step how to integrate rough sets with fuzzy sets in order to best
 Introduction to RF Propagation
 Introduction to RF Propagation

 Автор: John Seybold S.

  An introduction to RF propagation that spans all wireless applications This book provides readers with a solid understanding of the concepts involved in the propagation of electromagnetic waves and of the commonly used modeling techniques. While many books cover RF propagation, most are geared to cellular telephone systems and, therefore, are limited in scope. This title is comprehensive-it treats the growing number of wireless applications that

 Three-Dimensional Holographic Imaging
 Three-Dimensional Holographic Imaging

 Автор: Meng Tsai Hua

  A comprehensive survey of the state of the art in 3-D holographic imaging techniques and applications This book introduces the general concepts of both real-time and non-real-time 3-D holographic imaging techniques for scientific and engineering applications. It offers readers a fundamental understanding of the concepts of 3-D holographic imaging as well as cost-effective design and implementation. World-renowned experts in the field provide in-
 Sound Capture and Processing
 Sound Capture and Processing

 Автор: Ivan Tashev Jelev

  Provides state-of-the-art algorithms for sound capture, processing and enhancement Sound Capture and Processing: Practical Approaches covers the digital signal processing algorithms and devices for capturing sounds, mostly human speech. It explores the devices and technologies used to capture, enhance and process sound for the needs of communication and speech recognition in modern computers and communication devices. This book gives a comprehen
 Flexible Flat Panel Displays
 Flexible Flat Panel Displays

 Автор: Gregory Crawford

  Flexible displays are currently one of the most researched topics within the flat panel display community. They promise to change our display-centric world by replacing bulky rigid devices with those that are paper-thin and can be rolled away or folded up when not in use. The field of flexible flat panel displays is truly unique in the sense that it is interdisciplinary to the display community, combining basic principles from nearly all enginee
 Developing Intelligent Agent Systems
 Developing Intelligent Agent Systems

 Автор: Lin Padgham

  Build your own intelligent agent system… Intelligent agent technology is a tool of modern computer science that can be used to engineer complex computer programmes that behave rationally in dynamic and changing environments. Applications range from small programmes that intelligently search the Web buying and selling goods via electronic commerce, to autonomous space probes. This powerful technology is not widely used, however, as developing int
 Handbook of Granular Computing
 Handbook of Granular Computing

 Автор: Witold Pedrycz

  Although the notion is a relatively recent one, the notions and principles of Granular Computing (GrC) have appeared in a different guise in many related fields including granularity in Artificial Intelligence, interval computing, cluster analysis, quotient space theory and many others. Recent years have witnessed a renewed and expanding interest in the topic as it begins to play a key role in bioinformatics, e-commerce, machine learning, securi
 Digital Audio Signal Processing
 Digital Audio Signal Processing

 Автор: Udo Zolzer

  A fully updated second edition of the excellent Digital Audio Signal Processing Well established in the consumer electronics industry, Digital Audio Signal Processing (DASP) techniques are used in audio CD, computer music and multi-media components. In addition, the applications afforded by this versatile technology now range from real-time signal processing to room simulation. Digital Audio Signal Processing, Second Edition covers the latest si
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