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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Operational Research and Networks
 Operational Research and Networks

 Автор: Gerd Finke

  This book presents the principal concepts of operations research (OR) as tools for the planning, support, and management of various types of networks, including both physical and logical networks. It analyzes real problems, and offers a collection of models for many application areas, together with the corresponding solution techniques. Following this, important application areas are addressed, such as project scheduling, distribution networks,
 Electromagnetic Fields in Cavities
 Electromagnetic Fields in Cavities

 Автор: David Hill A.

  A thorough and rigorous analysis of electromagnetic fields in cavities This book offers a comprehensive analysis of electromagnetic fields in cavities of general shapes and properties. Part One covers classical deterministic methods to conclude resonant frequencies, modal fields, and cavity losses; quality factor; mode bandwidth; and the excitation of cavity fields from arbitrary current distributions for metal-wall cavities of simple shape. Par
 System of Systems Engineering
 System of Systems Engineering

 Автор: Mohammad Jamshidi

  Discover the emerging science and engineering of System of Systems Many challenges of the twenty-first century, such as fossil fuel energy resources, require a new approach. The emergence of System of Systems (SoS) and System of Systems Engineering (SoSE) presents engineers and professionals with the potential for solving many of the challenges facing our world today. This groundbreaking book brings together the viewpoints of key global players

 Transverse Disciplines in Metrology
 Transverse Disciplines in Metrology

 Автор: French Metrology Collegeof

  Based on The International Metrology Congress meeting, this reference examines the evolution of metrology, and its applications in industry, environment and safety, health and medicine, economy and quality, and new information and communication technologies; details the improvement of measurement procedures to guarantee the quality of products and processes; and discusses the development of metrology linked to innovating technologies. The themes
 Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling
 Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling

 Автор: Christian Artigues

  This title presents a large variety of models and algorithms dedicated to the resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP), which aims at scheduling at minimal duration a set of activities subject to precedence constraints and limited resource availabilities. In the first part, the standard variant of RCPSP is presented and analyzed as a combinatorial optimization problem. Constraint programming and integer linear programming formulat
 Language and Speech Processing
 Language and Speech Processing

 Автор: Joseph Mariani

  Speech processing addresses various scientific and technological areas. It includes speech analysis and variable rate coding, in order to store or transmit speech. It also covers speech synthesis, especially from text, speech recognition, including speaker and language identification, and spoken language understanding. This book covers the following topics: how to realize speech production and perception systems, how to synthesize and understand
 Antennas for Portable Devices
 Antennas for Portable Devices

 Автор: Zhi Chen Ning

  Offers a comprehensive and practical reference guide to antenna design and engineering for portable devices Antennas are often the most bulky components in many portable wireless devices such as mobile phones. Whilst the demand for ever smaller and more powerful wireless devices increases, as does the importance of designing and engineering smaller antennas to fit these devices. Antennas for Portable Devices provides a complete and cutting-edge
 Knowledge Discovery in Bioinformatics
 Knowledge Discovery in Bioinformatics

 Автор: Yi Pan

  The purpose of this edited book is to bring together the ideas and findings of data mining researchers and bioinformaticians by discussing cutting-edge research topics such as, gene expressions, protein/RNA structure prediction, phylogenetics, sequence and structural motifs, genomics and proteomics, gene findings, drug design, RNAi and microRNA analysis, text mining in bioinformatics, modelling of biochemical pathways, biomedical ontologies, sys
 Developments in Speech Synthesis
 Developments in Speech Synthesis

 Автор: Katherine Morton

  With a growing need for understanding the process involved in producing and perceiving spoken language, this timely publication answers these questions in an accessible reference. Containing material resulting from many years’ teaching and research, Speech Synthesis provides a complete account of the theory of speech. By bringing together the common goals and methods of speech synthesis into a single resource, the book will lead the way towards
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