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Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 RTL Hardware Design Using VHDL
 RTL Hardware Design Using VHDL

 Автор: Pong Chu P.

  The skills and guidance needed to master RTL hardware design This book teaches readers how to systematically design efficient, portable, and scalable Register Transfer Level (RTL) digital circuits using the VHDL hardware description language and synthesis software. Focusing on the module-level design, which is composed of functional units, routing circuit, and storage, the book illustrates the relationship between the VHDL constructs and the und
 Device Modeling for Analog and RF CMOS Circuit Design
 Device Modeling for Analog and RF CMOS Circuit Design

 Автор: Trond Ytterdal

  Bridges the gap between device modelling and analog circuit design. Includes dedicated software enabling actual circuit design. Covers the three significant models: BSIM3, Model 9 &, and EKV. Presents practical guidance on device development and circuit implementation. The authors offer a combination of extensive academic and industrial experience.
 Charge-Based MOS Transistor Modeling
 Charge-Based MOS Transistor Modeling

 Автор: Eric Vittoz A.

  Modern, large-scale analog integrated circuits (ICs) are essentially composed of metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS) transistors and their interconnections. As technology scales down to deep sub-micron dimensions and supply voltage decreases to reduce power consumption, these complex analog circuits are even more dependent on the exact behavior of each transistor. High-performance analog circuit design requires a very detailed model of the transisto

 LED Packaging for Lighting Applications
 LED Packaging for Lighting Applications

 Автор: Sheng Liu

  Since the first light-emitting diode (LED) was invented by Holonyak and Bevacqua in 1962, LEDs have made remarkable progress in the past few decades with the rapid development of epitaxy growth, chip design and manufacture, packaging structure, processes, and packaging materials. LEDs have superior characteristics such as high efficiency, small size, long life, low power consumption, and high reliability. The market for white LED is growing rapi
 Multiplexed Networks for Embedded Systems
 Multiplexed Networks for Embedded Systems

 Автор: Dominique Paret

  Multiplexed networks are essential for the unified, efficient and cost-effective exchange of electronic information within embedded component systems. This is especially important in automotive manufacturing as vehicles become increasingly reliant on robust electronic networks and systems for improved reliability, anti-lock brake systems (ABS), steering, on-board navigation systems, and much more. The latest systems such as X-by-Wire and FlexRay
 Modeling and Design Techniques for RF Power Amplifiers
 Modeling and Design Techniques for RF Power Amplifiers

 Автор: Arvind Raghavan

  Achieve higher levels of performance, integration, compactness, and cost-effectiveness in the design and modeling of radio-frequency (RF) power amplifiers RF power amplifiers are important components of any wireless transmitter, but are often the limiting factors in achieving better performance and lower cost in a wireless communication system—presenting the RF IC design community with many challenges. The next-generation technological advances
 Multi-voltage CMOS Circuit Design
 Multi-voltage CMOS Circuit Design

 Автор: Volkan Kursun

  This book presents an in-depth treatment of various power reduction and speed enhancement techniques based on multiple supply and threshold voltages. A detailed discussion of the sources of power consumption in CMOS circuits will be provided whilst focusing primarily on identifying the mechanisms by which sub-threshold and gate oxide leakage currents are generated. The authors present a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art dynamic, static su
 Microcontroller Theory and Applications with the PIC18F
 Microcontroller Theory and Applications with the PIC18F

 Автор: M. Rafiquzzaman

  A thorough revision that provides a clear understanding of the basic principles of microcontrollers using C programming and PIC18F assembly language This book presents the fundamental concepts of assembly language programming and interfacing techniques associated with typical microcontrollers. As part of the second edition's revisions, PIC18F assembly language and C programming are provided in separate sections so that these topics can be covere
 Service Design for Six Sigma
 Service Design for Six Sigma

 Автор: Basem El-Haik

  A roadmap to consistent, high-quality service for any organization A service is typically something created to serve a paying customer, whether internal or external. Some services consist of several processes linked together while others consist of a single process. This book introduces Design for Six Sigma (DFSS), an easy-to-master, yet highly effective data-driven method that prevents defects in any type of service process. The particular focu
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