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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Synchronization and Arbitration in Digital Systems
 Synchronization and Arbitration in Digital Systems

 Автор: David Kinniment J.

  Today’s networks of processors on and off chip, operating with independent clocks, need effective synchronization of the data passing between them for reliability. When two or more processors request access to a common resource, such as a memory, an arbiter has to decide which request to deal with first. Current developments in integrated circuit processing are leading to an increase in the numbers of independent digital processing elements in a
 Conformal Array Antenna Theory and Design
 Conformal Array Antenna Theory and Design

 Автор: Lars Josefsson

  This is the first comprehensive treatment of conformal antenna arrays from an engineering perspective. While providing a thorough foundation in theory, the authors of this publication provide a wealth of hands-on instruction for practical analysis and design of conformal antenna arrays. Thus, you get the knowledge you need, alongside the practical know-how to design antennas that are integrated into such structures aircrafts or skyscrapers.
 Stimulating Innovation in Products and Services
 Stimulating Innovation in Products and Services

 Автор: Roy Woodhead

  Practical techniques to help any organization innovate and succeed In this groundbreaking book, internationally acclaimed authors demonstrate that innovation can be mastered via systematic and replicable methods. Following careful instructions and guidelines, readers discover how to foster the ingenuity that resides within all organizations and how it can be most efficiently and effectively used to create value. At the core of this book is the F

 Foundations of Soft Case-Based Reasoning
 Foundations of Soft Case-Based Reasoning

 Автор: Sankar Pal K.

  Provides a self-contained description of this important aspect of information processing and decision support technology. Presents basic definitions, principles, applications, and a detailed bibliography. Covers a range of real-world examples including control, data mining, and pattern recognition.
 Wiley Survey of Instrumentation and Measurement
 Wiley Survey of Instrumentation and Measurement

 Автор: Stephen Dyer A.

  In-depth coverage of instrumentation and measurement from the Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering The Wiley Survey of Instrumentation and Measurement features 97 articles selected from the Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, the one truly indispensable reference for electrical engineers. Together, these articles provide authoritative coverage of the important topic of instrumentation and measure
 Introduction to Antenna Placement and Installation
 Introduction to Antenna Placement and Installation

 Автор: Thereza Macnamara

  Introduction to Antenna Placement and Installation introduces the characteristics of antennas and their integration on aircraft. The book covers antenna siting and placement, computational antenna modelling on structures, measurement on sub-scale models of the airframe, full-scale ground measurements and in-flight measurements. The author addresses the different stages in the process of developing an entire antenna layout, as well as covering in
 Developing Multi-Agent Systems with JADE
 Developing Multi-Agent Systems with JADE

 Автор: Giovanni Caire

  Learn how to employ JADE to build multi-agent systems! JADE (Java Agent DEvelopment framework) is a middleware for the development of applications, both in the mobile and fixed environment, based on the Peer-to-Peer intelligent autonomous agent approach. JADE enables developers to implement and deploy multi-agent systems, including agents running on wireless networks and limited-resource devices. Developing Multi-Agent Systems with JADE is a pra
 Electrically Small, Superdirective, and Superconducting Antennas
 Electrically Small, Superdirective, and Superconducting Antennas

 Автор: R. Hansen C.

  A seminal reference to electrically small antennas for today's wireless and Wi-Fi world This book is dedicated to the challenges posed by electrically small antennas and their solutions. Electrically small antennas have characteristics that limit performance: low radiation resistance, high reactance, low efficiency, narrow bandwidth, and increased loss in the matching network. Most of these limitations are shared by two other classes of antennas
 Spoken, Multilingual and Multimodal Dialogue Systems
 Spoken, Multilingual and Multimodal Dialogue Systems

 Автор: Masahiro Araki

  Dialogue systems are a very appealing technology with an extraordinary future. Spoken, Multilingual and Multimodal Dialogues Systems: Development and Assessment addresses the great demand for information about the development of advanced dialogue systems combining speech with other modalities under a multilingual framework. It aims to give a systematic overview of dialogue systems and recent advances in the practical application of spoken dialog
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