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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Generic Inference. A Unifying Theory for Automated Reasoning
 Generic Inference. A Unifying Theory for Automated Reasoning

 Автор: Kohlas Juerg

  This book provides a rigorous algebraic study of the most popular inference formalisms with a special focus on their wide application area, showing that all these tasks can be performed by a single generic inference algorithm. Written by the leading international authority on the topic, it includes an algebraic perspective (study of the valuation algebra framework), an algorithmic perspective (study of the generic inference schemes) and a «pract
 Systems of Systems
 Systems of Systems

 Автор: Luzeaux Dominique

  In recent years, the systems designed to support activity in the fields of banking, health, transportation, space, aeronautics, defense, etc. have become increasingly larger and more complex. With the growing maturity of information and communication technologies, systems have been interconnected within growing networks, yielding new capabilities and services through the combination of system functionalities. This has led to a further increasing
 Smart Card Handbook
 Smart Card Handbook

 Автор: Rankl Wolfgang

  The most comprehensive book on state-of-the-art smart card technology available Updated with new international standards and specifications, this essential fourth edition now covers all aspects of smart card in a completely revised structure. Its enlarged coverage now includes smart cards for passports and ID cards, health care cards, smart cards for public transport, and Java Card 3.0. New sub-chapters cover near field communication (NFC), sing

 Engineering Quantum Mechanics
 Engineering Quantum Mechanics

 Автор: Ahn Doyeol

  There has been growing interest in the model of semiconductor lasers with non-Markovian relaxation. Introducing senior and graduate students and research scientists to quantum mechanics concepts, which are becoming an essential tool in modern engineering, Engineering Quantum Mechanics develops a non-Markovian model for the optical gain of semiconductor, taking into account the rigorous electronic band-structure and the non-Markovian relaxation u
 Micro-and Nanoelectromechanical Biosensors
 Micro-and Nanoelectromechanical Biosensors

 Автор: Nicu Liviu

  Most books dedicated to the issues of bio-sensing are organized by the well-known scheme of a biosensor. In this book, the authors have deliberately decided to break away from the conventional way of treating biosensing research by uniquely addressing biomolecule immobilization methods on a solid surface, fluidics issues and biosensing-related transduction techniques, rather than focusing simply on the biosensor. The aim is to provide a contempo
 Transflective Liquid Crystal Displays
 Transflective Liquid Crystal Displays

 Автор: Ge Zhibing

  Sunlight readable transflective liquid crystal displays, used on devices from cell phones and portable media players, to GPS and even some desktop monitors, have become indispensable in our day-to-day lives. Transflective Liquid Crystal Displays is a methodical examination of this display technology, providing a useful reference to the fundamentals of the topic. Including thorough descriptions of the essential physics of transflective LCD techno
 Modeling and Simulation for Microelectronic Packaging Assembly. Manufacturing, Reliability and Testing
 Modeling and Simulation for Microelectronic Packaging Assembly. Manufacturing, Reliability and Testing

 Автор: Liu Yong

  Although there is increasing need for modeling and simulation in the IC package design phase, most assembly processes and various reliability tests are still based on the time consuming «test and try out» method to obtain the best solution. Modeling and simulation can easily ensure virtual Design of Experiments (DoE) to achieve the optimal solution. This has greatly reduced the cost and production time, especially for new product development. Us
 Semi-Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning. Novel Strategies
 Semi-Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning. Novel Strategies

 Автор: Albalate Amparo

  This book provides a detailed and up-to-date overview on classification and data mining methods. The first part is focused on supervised classification algorithms and their applications, including recent research on the combination of classifiers. The second part deals with unsupervised data mining and knowledge discovery, with special attention to text mining. Discovering the underlying structure on a data set has been a key research topic asso
 Planning Guide for Power Distribution Plants. Design, Implementation and Operation of Industrial Networks
 Planning Guide for Power Distribution Plants. Design, Implementation and Operation of Industrial Networks

 Автор: Fruth Wolfgang

  When planning an industrial power supply plant, the specific requirements of the individual production process are decisive for the design and mode of operation of the network and for the selection and design and ratings of the operational equipment. Since the actual technical risks are often hidden in the profound and complex planning task, planning decisions should be taken after responsible and careful consideration because of their deep effe
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