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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Chemistry in Microelectronics
 Chemistry in Microelectronics

 Автор: Yannick Tiec Le

  Microelectronics is a complex world where many sciences need to collaborate to create nano-objects: we need expertise in electronics, microelectronics, physics, optics and mechanics also crossing into chemistry, electrochemistry, as well as biology, biochemistry and medicine. Chemistry is involved in many fields from materials, chemicals, gases, liquids or salts, the basics of reactions and equilibrium, to the optimized cleaning of surfaces and
 ESD: Design and Synthesis
 ESD: Design and Synthesis

 Автор: Steven Voldman H.

  Electrostatic discharge (ESD) continues to impact semiconductor components and systems as technologies scale from micro- to nano-electronics. This book studies electrical overstress, ESD, and latchup from a whole-chip ESD design synthesis approach. It provides a clear insight into the integration of ESD protection networks from a generalist perspective, followed by examples in specific technologies, circuits, and chips. Uniquely both the semicon
 Antenna Theory and Applications
 Antenna Theory and Applications

 Автор: Hubregt Visser J.

  This comprehensive text on antenna theory explains the origin of radiation and discusses antenna parameters in-depth This book offers an in-depth coverage of fundamental antenna theory, and shows how to apply this in practice. The author discusses electromagnetic radiation and antenna characteristics such as impedance, radiation pattern, polarization, gain and efficiency. In addition, the book provides readers with the necessary tools for analyz

 Beyond CMOS Nanodevices 1
 Beyond CMOS Nanodevices 1

 Автор: Francis Balestra

  This book offers a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art in innovative Beyond-CMOS nanodevices for developing novel functionalities, logic and memories dedicated to researchers, engineers and students. It particularly focuses on the interest of nanostructures and nanodevices (nanowires, small slope switches, 2D layers, nanostructured materials, etc.) for advanced More than Moore (RF-nanosensors-energy harvesters, on-chip electronic coolin
 Current Interruption Transients Calculation
 Current Interruption Transients Calculation

 Автор: David Peelo F.

  Provides an original, detailed and practical description of current interruption transients, origins, and the circuits involved, and how they can be calculated Current Interruption Transients Calculationis a comprehensive resource for the understanding, calculation and analysis of the transient recovery voltages (TRVs) and related re-ignition or re-striking transients associated with fault current interruption and the switching of inductive and
 Ultra Wide Band Antennas
 Ultra Wide Band Antennas

 Автор: Xavier Begaud

  Ultra Wide Band Technology (UWB) has reached a level of maturity that allows us to offer wireless links with either high or low data rates. These wireless links are frequently associated with a location capability for which ultimate accuracy varies with the inverse of the frequency bandwidth. Using time or frequency domain waveforms, they are currently the subject of international standards facilitating their commercial implementation. Drawing u
 Polymeric Sensors and Actuators
 Polymeric Sensors and Actuators

 Автор: Johannes Fink Karl

  This book covers in-depth the various polymers that are used for sensors and actuators from the vantage point of organic chemistry. Since many chemists may not be familiar with the physics and operational specifics of sensors, the book has a general chapter dealing with the overall physics and basic principles of sensors. Also included are methods of fabrication, as well as information on smart textiles, actuators, and the processing of data. Th
 Practical Guide to RF-MEMS
 Practical Guide to RF-MEMS

 Автор: Jacopo Iannacci

  Closes the gap between hardcore-theoretical and purely experimental RF-MEMS books. The book covers, from a practical viewpoint, the most critical steps that have to be taken in order to develop novel RF-MEMS device concepts. Prototypical RF-MEMS devices, both including lumped components and complex networks, are presented at the beginning of the book as reference examples, and these are then discussed from different perspectives with regard to d
 Gas Insulated Transmission Lines (GIL)
 Gas Insulated Transmission Lines (GIL)

 Автор: Hermann Koch

  Gas-insulated transmission lines (GIL) is an established high voltage technology used when environmental or structural considerations restrict the use of overhead transmission lines. With an overview on the technical, economical and environmental impact and power system implications of GIL, this guide provides a complete understanding of its physical design, features and advantages. The author illustrates how to evaluate when GIL would be the be
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