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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Quantum Mechanics for Electrical Engineers
 Quantum Mechanics for Electrical Engineers

 Автор: Dennis Sullivan M.

  The main topic of this book is quantum mechanics, as the title indicates. It specifically targets those topics within quantum mechanics that are needed to understand modern semiconductor theory. It begins with the motivation for quantum mechanics and why classical physics fails when dealing with very small particles and small dimensions. Two key features make this book different from others on quantum mechanics, even those usually intended for e
 Introduction to Nanomaterials and Devices
 Introduction to Nanomaterials and Devices

 Автор: Omar Manasreh

  An invaluable introduction to nanomaterials and their applications Offering the unique approach of applying traditional physics concepts to explain new phenomena, Introduction to Nanomaterials and Devices provides readers with a solid foundation on the subject of quantum mechanics and introduces the basic concepts of nanomaterials and the devices fabricated from them. Discussion begins with the basis for understanding the basic properties of sem
 Single Event Effects in Aerospace
 Single Event Effects in Aerospace

 Автор: Edward Petersen

  This book introduces the basic concepts necessary to understand Single Event phenomena which could cause random performance errors and catastrophic failures to electronics devices. As miniaturization of electronics components advances, electronics components are more susceptible in the radiation environment. The book includes a discussion of the radiation environments in space and in the atmosphere, radiation rate prediction depending on the orb

 The Theory of Scintillation with Applications in Remote Sensing
 The Theory of Scintillation with Applications in Remote Sensing

 Автор: Charles Rino

  In order to truly understand data signals transmitted by satellite, one must understand scintillation theory in addition to well established theories of EM wave propagation and scattering. Scintillation is a nuisance in satellite EM communications, but it has stimulated numerous theoretical developments with science applications. This book not only presents a thorough theoretical explanation of scintillation, but it also offers a complete librar
 Transmission Electron Microscopy in Micro-nanoelectronics
 Transmission Electron Microscopy in Micro-nanoelectronics

 Автор: Alain Claverie

  Today, the availability of bright and highly coherent electron sources and sensitive detectors has radically changed the type and quality of the information which can be obtained by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). TEMs are now present in large numbers not only in academia, but also in industrial research centers and fabs. This book presents in a simple and practical way the new quantitative techniques based on TEM which have recently bee
 Radio Propagation Measurement and Channel Modelling
 Radio Propagation Measurement and Channel Modelling

 Автор: Sana Salous

  While there are numerous books describing modern wireless communication systems that contain overviews of radio propagation and radio channel modelling, there are none that contain detailed information on the design, implementation and calibration of radio channel measurement equipment, the planning of experiments and the in depth analysis of measured data. The book would begin with an explanation of the fundamentals of radio wave propagation an
 Advanced Frequency Synthesis by Phase Lock
 Advanced Frequency Synthesis by Phase Lock

 Автор: William Egan F.

  The latest frequency synthesis techniques, including sigma-delta, Diophantine, and all-digital Sigma-delta is a frequency synthesis technique that has risen in popularity over the past decade due to its intensely digital nature and its ability to promote miniaturization. A continuation of the popular Frequency Synthesis by Phase Lock, Second Edition, this timely resource provides a broad introduction to sigma-delta by pairing practical simulatio
 Lean for Systems Engineering with Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering
 Lean for Systems Engineering with Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering

 Автор: Bohdan Oppenheim W.

  Bohdan W. Oppenheim has pulled together experience-based insights of experts across industry, government, and academia into a comprehensive sourcebook for lean systems engineering principles and practices. This book can educate those new to lean engineering, as well as provide new insights and enablers that best-in-class organizations will want to adopt. —Dr. Donna H. Rhodes, Principal Research Scientist, SEAri and LAI, Massachusetts Institute o
 Digital Holography for MEMS and Microsystem Metrology
 Digital Holography for MEMS and Microsystem Metrology

 Автор: Anand Asundi

  Approaching the topic of digital holography from the practical perspective of industrial inspection, Digital Holography for MEMS and Microsystem Metrology describes the process of digital holography and its growing applications for MEMS characterization, residual stress measurement, design and evaluation, and device testing and inspection. Asundi also provides a thorough theoretical grounding that enables the reader to understand basic concepts
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