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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Building Control with Passive Dampers. Optimal Performance-based Design for Earthquakes
 Building Control with Passive Dampers. Optimal Performance-based Design for Earthquakes

 Автор: Izuru Takewaki

  The recent introduction of active and passive structural control methods has given structural designers powerful tools for performance-based design. However, structural engineers often lack the tools for the optimal selection and placement of such systems. In Building Control with Passive Dampers , Takewaki brings together most the reliable, state-of-the-art methods in practice around the world, arming readers with a real sense of how to address
 Communicating Embedded Systems. Networks Applications
 Communicating Embedded Systems. Networks Applications

 Автор: Francine Krief

  Embedded systems become more and more complex and require having some knowledge in various disciplines such as electronics, data processing, telecommunications and networks. Without detailing all the aspects related to the design of embedded systems, this book, which was written by specialists in electronics, data processing and telecommunications and networks, gives an interesting point of view of communication techniques and problems in embedd
 Handbook of International Electrical Safety Practices
 Handbook of International Electrical Safety Practices

 Автор:  Princeton Energy Resources International

  A valuable and comprehensive safety reference for any organization working with or around electricity. This comprehensive guide informs working professionals in multiple industries, such as manufacturing, processing, or energy, about safety procedures that should be used on the job. It informs the reader about the hazards in the work place and what to do to make sure he/she is protected. The Handbook of International Electrical Safety Practices

 Compact MOSFET Models for VLSI Design
 Compact MOSFET Models for VLSI Design

 Автор: A. Bhattacharyya B.

  Practicing designers, students, and educators in the semiconductor field face an ever expanding portfolio of MOSFET models. In Compact MOSFET Models for VLSI Design , A.B. Bhattacharyya presents a unified perspective on the topic, allowing the practitioner to view and interpret device phenomena concurrently using different modeling strategies. Readers will learn to link device physics with model parameters, helping to close the gap between devic
 CMOS Biomicrosystems. Where Electronics Meet Biology
 CMOS Biomicrosystems. Where Electronics Meet Biology

 Автор: Krzysztof Iniewski

  The book will address the-state-of-the-art in integrated Bio-Microsystems that integrate microelectronics with fluidics, photonics, and mechanics. New exciting opportunities in emerging applications that will take system performance beyond offered by traditional CMOS based circuits are discussed in detail. The book is a must for anyone serious about microelectronics integration possibilities for future technologies. The book is written by top no
 Multiscale Analysis of Deformation and Failure of Materials
 Multiscale Analysis of Deformation and Failure of Materials

 Автор: Jinghong Fan

  Presenting cutting-edge research and development within multiscale modeling techniques and frameworks, Multiscale Analysis of Deformation and Failure of Materials systematically describes the background, principles and methods within this exciting new & interdisciplinary field. The author’s approach emphasizes the principles and methods of atomistic simulation and its transition to the nano and sub-micron scale of a continuum, which is technical
 Design of Ultra Wideband Power Transfer Networks
 Design of Ultra Wideband Power Transfer Networks

 Автор: Binboga Yarman Siddik

  Combining analytic theory and modern computer-aided design techniques this volume will enable you to understand and design power transfer networks and amplifiers in next generation radio frequency (RF) and microwave communication systems. A comprehensive theory of circuits constructed with lumped and distributed elements is covered, as are electromagnetic field theory, filter theory, and broadband matching. Along with detailed roadmaps and acces
 Verification, Validation, and Testing of Engineered Systems
 Verification, Validation, and Testing of Engineered Systems

 Автор: Avner Engel

  Systems' Verification Validation and Testing (VVT) are carried out throughout systems' lifetimes. Notably, quality-cost expended on performing VVT activities and correcting system defects consumes about half of the overall engineering cost. Verification, Validation and Testing of Engineered Systems provides a comprehensive compendium of VVT activities and corresponding VVT methods for implementation throughout the entire lifecycle of an engineer
 Analysis and Design of Autonomous Microwave Circuits
 Analysis and Design of Autonomous Microwave Circuits

 Автор: Almudena Suarez

  Presents simulation techniques that substantially increase designers' control over the oscillationin autonomous circuits This book facilitates a sound understanding of the free-running oscillation mechanism, the start-up from the noise level, and the establishment of the steady-state oscillation. It deals with the operation principles and main characteristics of free-running and injection-locked oscillators, coupled oscillators, and parametric f
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