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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
 Digital Filters. Principles and Applications with MATLAB
 Digital Filters. Principles and Applications with MATLAB

 Автор: Fred Taylor

  The book is not an exposition on digital signal processing (DSP) but rather a treatise on digital filters. The material and coverage is comprehensive, presented in a consistent that first develops topics and subtopics in terms it their purpose, relationship to other core ideas, theoretical and conceptual framework, and finally instruction in the implementation of digital filter devices. Each major study is supported by Matlab-enabled activities
 Artificial Beings. The Conscience of a Conscious Machine
 Artificial Beings. The Conscience of a Conscious Machine

 Автор: Jacques Pitrat

  This book demonstrates that not only is it possible to create entities with both consciousness and conscience, but that those entities demonstrate them in ways different from our own, thereby showing a new kind of consciousness.
 FlexRay and its Applications. Real Time Multiplexed Network
 FlexRay and its Applications. Real Time Multiplexed Network

 Автор: Dominique Paret

  An authoritative yet highly accessible guide to the design and operation of the FlexRay bus, the latest protocol for automotive network communications A translation of the French edition, originally published in January 2011, this work is the result of numerous training courses that Dominique Paret has given in companies, and it provides detailed explanations of the design and operation of the FlexRay bus. Comprised of five parts the book covers

 Competitive Inteligence 2.0. Organization, Innovation and Territory
 Competitive Inteligence 2.0. Organization, Innovation and Territory

 Автор: Luc Quoniam

  The recent “concept of 2.0", a consequence of «Web 2.0», discusses the emergence of a new style, emancipated from the Web, which finds applications in all areas of social activity: management, innovation, education , organization, territory, etc. This book considers the implications of the changing paradigm for competitive, economic and territorial intelligence applied to innovation, value creation and enhancement of territories. Competitive int
 Engineering the CMOS Library. Enhancing Digital Design Kits for Competitive Silicon
 Engineering the CMOS Library. Enhancing Digital Design Kits for Competitive Silicon

 Автор: David Doman

  Shows readers how to gain the competitive edge in the integrated circuit marketplace This book offers a wholly unique perspective on the digital design kit. It points to hidden value in the safety margins of standard-cell libraries and shows design engineers and managers how to use this knowledge to beat the competition. Engineering the CMOS Library reveals step by step how the generic, foundry-provided standard-cell library is built, and how to
 Frequency Stability. Introduction and Applications
 Frequency Stability. Introduction and Applications

 Автор: Venceslav Kroupa F.

  An in-depth look at the theory and applications of frequency stability An understanding of the acquisition of stable frequency is essential for anyone who needs to solve noise problems in wireless communications. This book offers a thorough introduction to the principles and applications of frequency stability, arming practicing engineers with the tools they need to minimize noise in systems and devices that affect everyday communications for mi
 Self-Organized Organic Semiconductors. From Materials to Device Applications
 Self-Organized Organic Semiconductors. From Materials to Device Applications

 Автор: Quan Li

  This book focuses on the exciting topic on self-organized organic semiconductors – from materials to device applications. It offers up-to-date and accessible coverage of self-organized semiconductors for organic chemistry, polymer science, liquid crystals, materials science, material engineering, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, optics, optic-electronics, nanotechnology and semiconductors. Chapters cover chemistry, physics, processi
 Liquid Crystals Beyond Displays. Chemistry, Physics, and Applications
 Liquid Crystals Beyond Displays. Chemistry, Physics, and Applications

 Автор: Quan Li

  The chemistry, physics, and applications of liquid crystals beyond LCDs Liquid Crystals (LCs) combine order and mobility on a molecular and supramolecular level. But while these remarkable states of matter are most commonly associated with visual display technologies, they have important applications for a variety of other fields as well. Liquid Crystals Beyond Displays: Chemistry, Physics, and Applications considers these, bringing together cut
 Reliability, Maintainability, and Supportability. Best Practices for Systems Engineers
 Reliability, Maintainability, and Supportability. Best Practices for Systems Engineers

 Автор: Michael Tortorella

  Focuses on the core systems engineering tasks of writing, managing, and tracking requirements for reliability, maintainability, and supportability that are most likely to satisfy customers and lead to success for suppliers This book helps systems engineers lead the development of systems and services whose reliability, maintainability, and supportability meet and exceed the expectations of their customers and promote success and profit for their
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