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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 RF Analog Impairments Modeling for Communication Systems Simulation. Application to OFDM-based Transceivers
 RF Analog Impairments Modeling for Communication Systems Simulation. Application to OFDM-based Transceivers

 Автор: Lydi Smaini

  With the growing complexity of personal mobile communication systems demanding higher data-rates and high levels of integration using low-cost CMOS technology, overall system performance has become more sensitive to RF analog front-end impairments. Designing integrated transceivers requires a thorough understanding of the whole transceiver chain including RF analog front-end and digital baseband. Communication system engineers have to include RF
 VHF / UHF Filters and Multicouplers. Application of Air Resonators
 VHF / UHF Filters and Multicouplers. Application of Air Resonators

 Автор: Bernard Piette

  This book describes the various devices used in radio communication and broadcasting to achieve high selectivity filtering and coupling. After providing a background in the basics of microwave theory and more detailed material – including a special chapter on precision and errors in measurement – the reader will find detailed descriptions, manufacturing processes, and, for the most useful instances, a number of worked-through formulas, which wil
 Streamlining Digital Signal Processing. A Tricks of the Trade Guidebook
 Streamlining Digital Signal Processing. A Tricks of the Trade Guidebook

 Автор: Richard Lyons G.

  This book presents recent advances in DSP to simplify, or increase the computational speed of, common signal processing operations. The topics describe clever DSP tricks of the trade not covered in conventional DSP textbooks. This material is practical, real-world, DSP tips and tricks as opposed to the traditional highly-specialized, math-intensive, research subjects directed at industry researchers and university professors. This book goes well

 INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook. A Guide for System Life Cycle Processes and Activities
 INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook. A Guide for System Life Cycle Processes and Activities

 Автор: Коллектив авторов

  A detailed and thorough reference on the discipline and practice of systems engineering The objective of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Systems Engineering Handbook is to describe key process activities performed by systems engineers and other engineering professionals throughout the life cycle of a system. The book covers a wide range of fundamental system concepts that broaden the thinking of the systems engineering
 Antenna Arrays. A Computational Approach
 Antenna Arrays. A Computational Approach

 Автор: Randy L. Haupt

  A comprehensive tutorial on the design and practical applications of antenna arrays An antenna array is an assembly of antenna elements that maximizes a received or transmitted signal in a desired direction. This practical book covers a wide range of antenna array topics that are becoming increasingly important in wireless applications, with emphasis on array design, applications, and computer modeling. Each chapter in Antenna Arrays builds upon
 Electrical Modeling and Design for 3D System Integration. 3D Integrated Circuits and Packaging, Signal Integrity, Power Integrity and EMC
 Electrical Modeling and Design for 3D System Integration. 3D Integrated Circuits and Packaging, Signal Integrity, Power Integrity and EMC

 Автор: Er-Ping Li

  New advanced modeling methods for simulating the electromagnetic properties of complex three-dimensional electronic systems Based on the author's extensive research, this book sets forth tested and proven electromagnetic modeling and simulation methods for analyzing signal and power integrity as well as electromagnetic interference in large complex electronic interconnects, multilayered package structures, integrated circuits, and printed circui
 Digital Circuit Boards. Mach 1 GHz
 Digital Circuit Boards. Mach 1 GHz

 Автор: Ralph Morrison

  A unique, practical approach to the design of high-speed digital circuit boards The demand for ever-faster digital circuit designs is beginning to render the circuit theory used by engineers ineffective. Digital Circuit Boards presents an alternative to the circuit theory approach, emphasizing energy flow rather than just signal interconnection to explain logic circuit behavior. The book shows how treating design in terms of transmission lines w
 Image Processing and Pattern Recognition. Fundamentals and Techniques
 Image Processing and Pattern Recognition. Fundamentals and Techniques

 Автор: Frank Shih Y.

  A comprehensive guide to the essential principles of image processing and pattern recognition Techniques and applications in the areas of image processing and pattern recognition are growing at an unprecedented rate. Containing the latest state-of-the-art developments in the field, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition presents clear explanations of the fundamentals as well as the most recent applications. It explains the essential principles
 ESD Testing. From Components to Systems
 ESD Testing. From Components to Systems

 Автор: Steven Voldman H.

  With the evolution of semiconductor technology and global diversification of the semiconductor business, testing of semiconductor devices to systems for electrostatic discharge (ESD) and electrical overstress (EOS) has increased in importance. ESD Testing: From Components to Systems updates the reader in the new tests, test models, and techniques in the characterization of semiconductor components for ESD, EOS, and latchup. Key features: Provide
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