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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 CMOS. Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation
 CMOS. Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation

 Автор: R. Baker Jacob

  The Third Edition of CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation continues to cover the practical design of both analog and digital integrated circuits, offering a vital, contemporary view of a wide range of analog/digital circuit blocks including: phase-locked-loops, delta-sigma sensing circuits, voltage/current references, op-amps, the design of data converters, and much more. Regardless of one's integrated circuit (IC) design skill level, thi
 Understanding Microelectronics. A Top-Down Approach
 Understanding Microelectronics. A Top-Down Approach

 Автор: Franco Maloberti

  The microelectronics evolution has given rise to many modern benefits but has also changed design methods and attitudes to learning. Technology advancements shifted focus from simple circuits to complex systems with major attention to high-level descriptions. The design methods moved from a bottom-up to a top-down approach. For today’s students, the most beneficial approach to learning is this top-down method that demonstrates a global view of e
 Silicon Technologies. Ion Implantation and Thermal Treatment
 Silicon Technologies. Ion Implantation and Thermal Treatment

 Автор: Annie Baudrant

  The main purpose of this book is to remind new engineers in silicon foundry, the fundamental physical and chemical rules in major Front end treatments: oxidation, epitaxy, ion implantation and impurities diffusion.

 Liquid Crystal Displays. Fundamental Physics and Technology
 Liquid Crystal Displays. Fundamental Physics and Technology

 Автор: Robert Chen H.

  An unprecedented look into the basic physics, chemistry, and technology behind the LCD Most notably used for computer screens, televisions, and mobile phones, LCDs (liquid crystal displays) are a pervasive and increasingly indispensable part of our lives. Providing both an historical and a business-minded context, this extensive resource describes the unique scientific and engineering techniques used to create these beautiful, clever, and eminen
 Advanced Kalman Filtering, Least-Squares and Modeling. A Practical Handbook
 Advanced Kalman Filtering, Least-Squares and Modeling. A Practical Handbook

 Автор: Bruce Gibbs P.

  This book is intended primarily as a handbook for engineers who must design practical systems. Its primary goal is to discuss model development in sufficient detail so that the reader may design an estimator that meets all application requirements and is robust to modeling assumptions. Since it is sometimes difficult to a priori determine the best model structure, use of exploratory data analysis to define model structure is discussed. Methods f
 Computational Framework for Knowledge. Integrated Behavior of Machines
 Computational Framework for Knowledge. Integrated Behavior of Machines

 Автор: Syed Ahamed V.

  Intriguing . . . [filled with] new ideas about overarching intellectual themes that govern our technologies and our society. —Nikil Jayant, Eminent Scholar, Georgia Research Alliance «Dr. Ahamed is correct in observing that 'silicon and glass have altered the rhythm of mind' and that computers need to be more 'human.'» —Bishnu S. Atal, Member, National Academy of Engineering This book combines philosophical, societal, and artificial intelligence
 SOI Lubistors. Lateral, Unidirectional, Bipolar-type Insulated-gate Transistors
 SOI Lubistors. Lateral, Unidirectional, Bipolar-type Insulated-gate Transistors

 Автор: Yasuhisa Omura

  Advanced level consolidation of the technology, physics and design aspects of silicon-on-insulator (SOI) lubistors No comprehensive description of the physics and possible applications of the Lubistor can be found in a single source even though the Lubistor is already being used in SOI LSIs. The book provides, for the first time, a comprehensive understanding of the physics of the Lubistor. The author argues that a clear understanding of the fun
 The Semantic Sphere 1. Computation, Cognition and Information Economy
 The Semantic Sphere 1. Computation, Cognition and Information Economy

 Автор: Pierre Levy

  The new digital media offers us an unprecedented memory capacity, an ubiquitous communication channel and a growing computing power. How can we exploit this medium to augment our personal and social cognitive processes at the service of human development? Combining a deep knowledge of humanities and social sciences as well as a real familiarity with computer science issues, this book explains the collaborative construction of a global hypercorte
 Элионная технология в микро- и наноиндустрии. Неразрушающие методы контроля процессов осаждения и травления наноразмерных пленочных гетерокомпозиций
 Элионная технология в микро- и наноиндустрии. Неразрушающие методы контроля процессов осаждения и травления наноразмерных пленочных гетерокомпозиций

 Автор: Геннадий Кузнецов
 Год: 2012

  В учебном пособии рассматриваются неразрушающие методы контроля технологических процессов нанесения и травления наноразмерных пленочных гетерокомпозиций при использовании ионно-плазменного воздействия на материалы. Анализируются как традиционные способы контроля процессов ионно-плазменной обработки материалов электронной техники, так и специфические, связанные с применением возникающих факторов при взаимодействии ускоренных ионов с твердым телом
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