Handbook of Microwave Component Measurements Second Edition is a fully updated, complete reference to this topic, focusing on the modern measurement tools, such as a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA), gathering in one place all the concepts, formulas, and best practices of measurement science. It includes basic concepts in each chapter as well as appendices which provide all the detail needed to understand the science behind microwave measurements ...
Presents the mathematical framework, technical language, and control systems know-how needed to design, develop, and instrument micro-scale whole-angle gyroscopes This comprehensive reference covers the technical fundamentals, mathematical framework, and common control strategies for degenerate mode gyroscopes, which are used in high-precision navigation applications. It explores various energy loss mechanisms and the effect of structural impe ...
With the end of Moore's law and the emergence of new application needs such as those of the Internet of Things (IoT) or artificial intelligence (AI), neuro-inspired, or neuromorphic, information processing is attracting more and more attention from the scientific community. Its principle is to emulate in a simplified way the formidable machine to process information which is the brain, with neurons and artificial synapses organized in netwo ...