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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Experiments with Alternate Currents of Very High Frequency and Their Application to Methods of Artificial Illumination
 Experiments with Alternate Currents of Very High Frequency and Their Application to Methods of Artificial Illumination

 Автор: Nikola Tesla

  Nikola Tesla was a genius who revolutionized how the world looks at electricity.
 Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency
 Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency

 Автор: Nikola Tesla

  Nikola Tesla was a genius who revolutionized how the world looks at electricity.
 Electrical Oscillators
 Electrical Oscillators

 Автор: Nikola Tesla

  Nikola Tesla was a genius who revolutionized how the world looks at electricity. In 1893 he patented an electro-mechanical oscillator as a steam-powered electric generator. By his own account, one version of the oscillator caused an earthquake in New York City in 1898, for which it was accorded the moniker, «Tesla's earthquake machine.»

 A New System of Alternating Current Motors and Transformers
 A New System of Alternating Current Motors and Transformers

 Автор: Nikola Tesla

  Nikola Tesla was a genius who revolutionized how the world looks at electricity. During college his professors explained that it was impossible to design an engine without commutators or brushes. Tesla was unconvinced that such was necessary or even particularly desirable. It was then that Tesla began his work on the rotating field motor that ultimately gave birth to the modern age. In May of 1888, Tesla delivered his lecture «A New System of Al
 Arduino II
 Arduino II

 Автор: Steven F. Barrett
 The Big Book of Maker Skills
 The Big Book of Maker Skills

 Автор: Chris Hackett

  Makers, get ready: This is your ultimate, must-have, tip-packed guide for taking your DIY projects to the next level—from basic wood- and metalworking skills to 3D printing and laser-cutting wizardry, plus the entrepreneurial and crowd-sourcing tactics needed to transform your back-of-the-envelope idea into a gleaming finished product.
In The Big Book of Maker Skills: 334 Tools and Techniques for Building Great Tech Projects, readers lea
 Схемотехническое проектирование электронных средств
 Схемотехническое проектирование электронных средств

 Автор: А. В. Палий
 Год: 2019
 Textbook Policies in Asia
 Textbook Policies in Asia

 Автор: Andy Smart

  This comparative study provides an overview of the textbook production chain, starting with its origins in the curriculum, and suggests ways in which policymakers can make improvements at every point in the chain. With evidence from a range of countries, mainly in Asia, the study is intended as a resource for policymakers and as a reference and benchmark for education systems. Although the study focuses on textbooks, which are the priority for g
 Basic Electricity
 Basic Electricity

 Автор: U.S. Bureau of Naval Personnel

  This expanded and revised U.S. Navy training course text provides thorough coverage of the basic theory of electricity and its applications. It is unquestionably the best book of its kind for either broad or more limited studies of electrical fundamentals.It is divided into 21 chapters and an extensive section of appendixes. Chapters cover safety, fundamental concepts of electricity, batteries, series direct-current circuits, network analysis of
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