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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Полузаказные БИС на БМК серий 5503 и 5507. Книга 2. Система автоматизированного проектирования «Ковчег 3.04»
 Полузаказные БИС на БМК серий 5503 и 5507. Книга 2. Система автоматизированного проектирования «Ковчег 3.04»

 Автор: Сергей Гаврилов
 Год: 2019

  Это вторая книга серии практических пособий из четырех книг под общим названием «Полузаказные БИС на БМК серий 5503 и 5507», посвященной общим сведениям о базовых матричных кристаллах, вопросам методологии проектирования БИС на их основе, средствам проектирования и библиотекам функциональных ячеек. Книга содержит описание системы автоматизированного проектирования «Ковчег 3.04», используемой при разработке специализированных КМОП микросхем на о
 Programmable Logic Controllers
 Programmable Logic Controllers

 Автор: Su Chen Jonathon Lin

  The result of the author’s 30 years of teaching PLCs at two universities, Programmable Logic Controllers covers important and essential topics and skills a new PLC learner has to know and practice. Assuming the student knows nothing about the subject, it defines everything and features ample examples and breakdowns of important topics. Students taking PLC courses at two and four-year institutions will find this text especially useful.
 The Handbook of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning for Design and Implementation
 The Handbook of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning for Design and Implementation

 Автор: Sunil Kumar

  With over 1,000 pages covering all fundamental and practical HVAC design procedures and methods, this classic reference is packed with details and contains a wealth of information that is of great use to the HVAC designer and practitioner, as well as to the student mastering the intricacies of HVAC fundamentals. Unlike any other handbook of its kind, HVAC provides an in-depth treatment of topics via modular self-contained chapters that serve bot

 20 простых проектов на Raspberry Pi
 20 простых проектов на Raspberry Pi

 Автор: Руи Сантос
 Год: 2018

  Эта книга подходит для всех новичков, которые хотят максимально использовать возможности Raspberry Pi, будь то дети, мечтающие открыть для себя мир электроники и программирования, родители и педагоги, желающие им помочь, или же любители и изобретатели, намеревающиеся с помощью Raspberry Pi воплотить свои идеи в жизнь. Мы совсем не предполагаем, что вы знакомы с Raspberry Pi и к тому же разбираетесь в схемотехнике или программировании. Этому вы
 Let's Get Charged! (All About Electricity) : 5th Grade Science Series
 Let's Get Charged! (All About Electricity) : 5th Grade Science Series

 Автор: Baby Professor

  The purpose of this educational book is to teach your child the importance of electricity. However, unlike the school's official textbooks, this book contains just the right blend of text and images to facilitate self-paced learning. Use this book to complement classroom-based education. Make sure to grab your child a copy now!
 Circuit Analysis (Speedy Study Guide)
 Circuit Analysis (Speedy Study Guide)

 Автор: Speedy Publishing

  Electrical wiring and circuitry can be a very exacting undertaking, with the great potential for negative results occurring if a circuit's connections are off by even one space. A circuit analysis guide provides a breakdown of every possible symbol and mechanism within a circuit diagram in order to educate electricians, engineers, and so on, about the proper ways to align a circuit and what common symbols to pay extra focus upon. Studying i
 Electrical Palestine
 Electrical Palestine

 Автор: Fredrik Meiton

  Electricity is an integral part of everyday life&mdash;so integral that we rarely think of it as political. In&#160;<I>Electrical Palestine</I>, Fredrik Meiton illustrates how political power, just like electrical power, moves through physical materials whose properties govern its flow. At the dawn of the Arab-Israeli conflict, both kinds of power were circulated through the electric grid that was built by the Zionist enginee
 Advances in Theoretical and Experimental Research of High Temperature Cuprate Superconductivity
 Advances in Theoretical and Experimental Research of High Temperature Cuprate Superconductivity

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Researchers working at the frontier of high-Tc Superconductors have reviewed the development in this area in the past 20 years. Both experimental and theoretical aspects have been covered. New directions and possible theoretical models were suggested. The contributors of this book are from China Center of Advanced Science and Technology (CCAST); Institute of Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS); National Lab for Superconductivity, Institute
 Government Digital
 Government Digital

 Автор: Alex Benay

  Governments all over the world are consistently outpaced by digital change, and are falling behind. Digital government is a better performing government. It is better at providing services people and businesses need. Receiving benefits, accessing health records, registering companies, applying for licences, voting – all of this can be done online or through digital self-service. Digital technology makes government more efficient, reduces hassl
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