Why is it that despite overwhelming evidence and fundamental science, some people still don't accept that climate change is real and that human activity is contributing to it?<br /> <br />Is it because the science is not being understood? Is it because it is difficult to accept that humans are capable of changing the climate? Is there a link between climate change scepticism and ideology? Is there a link between the belief in th ...
Using a healthy mix of plain language and light entertainment this book examines the facts and myths about the Earth and its climate, as well as the related challenges facing the country and planet in the 21st century and beyond. Presented as a satirical fictional debate, it blends together two streams: a methodical part – centred on the conflict of opinion between the beliefs that global warming is real and the opposite view questioning if such ...
Have you ever wondered how you can maintain your current lifestyle, but not exhaust our planet's resources? In modern times, many of us have environmental knowledge but we lack an understanding of how to apply that knowledge to our everyday lives. Bridging this gap is what has motivated ecological economist Dr Kamaljit Sangha to write this book. Dr Sangha examines how people can make a difference to the environment by proposing little actio ...
This book provides a detailed analysis of the economic and environmental impacts of climate change on the tropical ecosystems in Tanzania. Topics covered include agriculture, marine resources, wildlife, and weather forecasting. The analyses concentrate on real and potential impacts of climate change, focusing on changes in temperature and precipitation. Adaptive capacity and strategies for enhancing resilience (such as changing crop typ ...
This book tells stories of how ordinary people in their everyday lives have responded to the challenges of living more sustainably. In these difficult times, we need stories that engage, enchant and inspire. Most of all, we need stories of practical changes, of community action, of changing hearts and minds. This is a book that takes the question, «What can I do?» and sets out to find some answers using one of our species' most vital skill ...
Based on an 1839 boat trip Thoreau took with his brother from Concord, Massachusetts, to Concord, New Hampshire, and back, this classic of American literature is not only a vivid narrative of that journey, it is also a collection of thought-provoking observations on such diverse topics as poetry, literature, and philosophy, Native American and Puritan histories of New England, friendship, sacred Eastern writings, traditional Christianity, and mu ...
A grand, sweeping saga of sacrifice and struggle, this epic tale recaptures the world of Norwegian homesteaders at the turn of the twentieth century. Isak and Inger, an idealistic young couple, reject modern society to raise their family on a back country farm. Isak's embrace of outdoor life reflects author Knut Hamsun's attitude of rugged individualism and his back-to-nature philosophy. Rich in symbolism, this moving tale of peasant l ...
On May 18, 1980, people all over the world watched with awe and horror as Mount St. Helens erupted. Fifty-seven people were killed and hundreds of square miles of what had been lush forests and wild rivers were to all appearances destroyed.Ecologists thought they would have to wait years, or even decades, for life to return to the mountain, but when forest scientist Jerry Franklin helicoptered into the blast area a couple of weeks after the erup ...
Following the downgrading of the snow leopard’s status from “endangered” to “vulnerable” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature in 2017, debate has renewed about the actual number of snow leopards in the wild and the most effective strategies for coexisting with these enigmatic animals. Evidence from Pakistan and other countries in the snow leopard’s home range shows that ...