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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Green Analytical Chemistry
 Green Analytical Chemistry

 Автор: Mihkel Koel

  Concerns about environmental pollution, global climate change and hazards to human health have increased dramatically. This has led to a call for change in chemical processes including those that are part of chemical analysis. The development of analytical chemistry continues and every new discovery in chemistry, physics, molecular biology, and materials science brings new opportunities and challenges. Yet, contemporary analytical chemistry does
 Atmospheric Chemistry
 Atmospheric Chemistry

 Автор: Ann M Holloway

  Atmospheric Chemistry provides readers with a basic knowledge of the chemistry of Earth's atmosphere, and an understanding of the role that chemical transformations play in this vital part of our environment. The composition of the 'natural' atmosphere (troposphere, stratosphere and mesosphere) is described in terms of the physical and chemical cycles that govern the behaviour of the major and the many minor species present, and o
 Chemical and Biochemical Catalysis for Next Generation Biofuels
 Chemical and Biochemical Catalysis for Next Generation Biofuels

 Автор: Группа авторов


 Автор: Группа авторов

  Twenty years on from the first edition of Pollution and the topic remains high in the public awareness. Environmental pollution is now a major area of research, consultancy and technological development and is a priority for the political agendas of both the developed and developing worlds. The fifth edition of this book is fully updated, and includes an entirely new chapter on Climate Change, presenting an authoritative view on this topic. Chap
 Experimental Thermodynamics Volume IX
 Experimental Thermodynamics Volume IX

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Green Screen
 Green Screen

 Автор: Dr David Ingram
 How to Change the World
 How to Change the World

 Автор: Clare Feeney

  There’s never been a better time to do environmental training. Why? Because there is a rapidly growing body of evidence that ‘green jobs’ can boost employment at the same time as improving social, economic and environmental outcomes. Yet the counter-factual myths persist: in recessions, governments say ‘Let’s boost the economy first and reduce public debt next, then this will give us the money to invest in sustainability later’; and busines
 Geologia Polski
 Geologia Polski

 Автор: Wlodzimierz Mizerski


 Автор: Malgorzata Kacprzak

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