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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Terminale LNG w strategii bezpieczenstwa energetycznego panstw atlantyckich i czarnomorskich Unii Europejskiej
 Terminale LNG w strategii bezpieczenstwa energetycznego panstw atlantyckich i czarnomorskich Unii Europejskiej

 Автор: Miroslaw Skarzynski

 Essays on the Land, Ecotheology, and Traditions in Africa
 Essays on the Land, Ecotheology, and Traditions in Africa

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The book explores how African Christians in Ghana can think eco-theologically about the nexus of mining, waste pollution, water pollution, and land degradation. In 2017, the government of Ghana banned illegal mining and declared war against any activity that does not complement environmental protection and conservation of natural resources. The Christian church needs academic resources to support the campaign against the destruction of the land,
 Unmasking the Male Soul
 Unmasking the Male Soul

 Автор: Wilmer G. Villacorta

  Unmasking the Male Soul is about freedom that confronts the innate and enslaving obsession for power and control in destructive ways. At the core of this liberating process, we must acknowledge that we cannot escape the sociocultural matrix in which every human being emerges. In denying their fallen nature, human beings set aside their dependency on God and become self-centered and self-reliant. It is from their self-centered hearts that human

 The Addison Collection
 The Addison Collection

 Автор: John W. Newton

  The Addison Collection provides thoughts and observations designed to encourage us to think about philosophical, social, and political issues of interest. "It's a Buck" describes a teenage boy's thoughts and feeling while experiencing the initial frustrations and then unexpected rewards of being a first-time, successful deer hunter. «Retreats of Stones and Mosses» is a short story about a population of tiny minnows that find and
 From Disposable Culture to Disposable People
 From Disposable Culture to Disposable People

 Автор: Sasha Adkins

  We cannot solve the problem of plastics simply by recycling more. The plastic in the oceans, the soil, and our bodies is a symptom of the broader problem of disposable culture. We are not just treating objects as disposable–we are treating ourselves and each other as disposable, too.
The story of plastics parallels the story of my life, from my childhood living aboard a sailboat to graduate work on plastics and endocrine disruption, and
 Go Golden
 Go Golden

 Автор: Dillon Naber Cruz

  Symptoms of broken systems are all around us, due to our over-consumptive lifestyles, nearly unfettered capitalism, failure to live peaceably together, and the societal dismissal of nature's limits. Climate change is our new reality, and we must respond to that immediately. Fortunately, the world's faith traditions in general–and Christianity specifically–have given us a spiritual path to follow that can alleviate these problems. When
 Be Afraid
 Be Afraid

 Автор: Joseph Haward

  You would usually imagine blood-sucking vampires and crucifix-holding priests in a fight to the death, but professional «holy man» Reverend Joe Haward believes horror can show us how to truly live. Could it be that horror, combined with faith, has the power to transform the world for the better? In this controversial book you are invited to discover how flesh-eating zombies, ghosts, and Jesus have the potential to turn the world upside down and
 A Climate of Desire
 A Climate of Desire

 Автор: Eduardo Sasso

  Written for skeptics and believers alike, A Climate of Desire is an unconventional blend of the provocative ecological wisdom of the biblical writers with contemporary insights from sustainability experts and practitioners. As we enter an increasingly agitated virtual age, and what many affirm is a new period of global warming, the way ahead demands rethinking and collaboration. It also calls us to reconsider our longings and desires. Hence t
 How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change
 How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change

 Автор: Harriet Shugarman

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