The purpose of Introducing Story-Strategic Methods is to awaken us in the cross-cultural context. Our natural tendency is to be asleep to our own cultural values and core worldview assumptions. This tendency applies as well to our expectations in the cross-cultural context. For example, in what ways would a «justice» pattern of culture orient our speech and behavior? To what degree is a «justice» pattern of culture different from an «honor» patt ...
Potential and novice graduate students, researchers, educators, and reformers may find themselves bewildered and perplexed by the vast changes in public education. They may just want to briefly know the core concepts. They may also need to use the language in order to be able to articulate its major issues. Whatever the case, the work of authorities in the field of educational change facilitates the conceptual landscape that can enable one' ...
The education of children and youth in general is an immense undertaking with personal, local, regional, and even international implications for the present and the future. While the United States' public education is based on non-sectarian, liberal, democratic values, the current challenges to public education's vision and purposes are many, and, in our current cultural milieus, they originate from multiple interacting factors. While ...
Communication is the key to all successful human interactions. In light of the expanding use of texting and other forms of electronic communication, we risk losing the personal, face-to-face meetings that have been the mainstay of positive relationships between individuals and groups for thousands of years. Lavery shows how the circle process is a powerful tool for overcoming this worrisome situation, as it offers a way to enhance commun ...
What really matters in education? Amid headlines about standardized test scores, global rankings of students from different countries, technology-enhanced learning, the unreasonable costs of higher education, and preparing the workforce of tomorrow, what really matters? If we want to pursue education reform and improvements that truly benefit the lives of current and future students, where should we focus our efforts? In What Really Matters?, Dr ...
This book provides introductory materials on research methods and report writing that aim at guiding students and researchers towards effective research and reporting of their findings. Unlike the many volumes on research that are mostly theoretical, this book originated in the classroom and grew out of the students' own needs to design and conduct satisfactory research in order to meet academic requirements. It is also designed to help exp ...
• Featuring new essays by Noam Chomsky, Michael Hardt, Vandana Shiva, and others, this collection brings together some of the foremost writers on land, economics and development.• Eminent domain is just the tip of the iceberg in the international land-grabbing scheme. Between private and public institutions any of our common and private land could be taken for a greater “purpose.” • The enclosure of the commons doesn’t simply change our relation ...
Taking the reader deep inside of the circus, the zoo, and similar operations, Fear of the Animal Planet provides a window into animal behavior: chimpanzees escape, elephants attack, orcas demand more food, and tigers refuse to perform. Indeed, these animals are rebelling with intent and purpose. They become true heroes and our understanding of them will never be the same. ...
Imperiled Life theorizes an exit from the potentially terminal consequences of capital-induced climate change. It is a collection of reflections on the phenomenon of catastrophe—climatological, political, social—as well as on the possibilities of overcoming disaster. Javier Sethness-Castro presents the grim news from contemporary climatologists while providing a reconstructive vision inspired by anarchist intellectual traditi ...