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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 The Waste Makers
 The Waste Makers

 Автор: Vance Packard

 Recipe for America
 Recipe for America

 Автор: Jill Richardson

 Landscapes of Our Hearts
 Landscapes of Our Hearts

 Автор: Matthew Colloff

  Compelling, multifarious and essential.' – Don Watson

'Drink in its wisdom.' – Andrew Leigh, MP

On this ancient continent, waves of people have made their mark on the landscape; in turn, it too has shaped them.
If we look afresh at our history through the land we live on, might Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians find a path to a shared future?
An epic exploration of

 A Roadmap to Green Supply Chains
 A Roadmap to Green Supply Chains

 Автор: Kevin L. Lyons

  This book shows the relationship between the sustainability movement and supply chains. It provides a guide for supply chain professionals, as well as government officials, corporate executives, and institutional leaders on how to direct their purchasing power so that they source products that not only fill the needs of their organizations, but that also contribute to the health and well-being of the planet. The author, Dr. Kevin Lyons, Ph.D., c
 Tropical Gemstones
 Tropical Gemstones

 Автор: Carol Higgins Clark

  Learn the essentials of Asian gemestones with this useful and portable reference book.Gemstones, both mythical and real, are deeply embedded in the arts, religions and cultures of Asia. This handy pocket guide provides an excellent introduction to the full range of superb gemstones mined and processed in the region, their physical characteristics, historical importance and countries of origin. Stunning color photographs and informative text by n
 Ecology of Kalimantan
 Ecology of Kalimantan

 Автор: Kathy MacKinnon

  The Ecology of Kalimantan is a comprehensive ecological survey of one of Indonesia's largest and most diverse islands.This book presents a complete summary of our current scientific knowledge about Borneo including the rainforest and riverine habitats that are endangered by logging and industrial development, along with a discussion of land use patterns and current problems.Kalimantan is the Indonesian portion of the huge island of Borneo.
 Ecology of Java & Bali
 Ecology of Java & Bali

 Автор: Anthony J. Whitten

  The Ecology of Java and Bali is a comprehensive ecological survey of two of the most ecologically diverse islands in the Pacific.It also contains the results of original research, interviews and personal experience. It will be useful to resource managers, ecologists and government planners, as well as to all others interested in the region.Java and Bali are the best known of all the islands in the Indonesian archipelago. Nowhere else in the coun
 Ecology of the Indonesian Seas Part 2
 Ecology of the Indonesian Seas Part 2

 Автор: Tomas Tomascik

  The Ecology of the Indonesian Seas distills for the first time the information found in thousands of scholarly works relevant to an understanding of the sustainable use of marine and coastal resources in these islands&8212;many of them available up to now only in Dutch, German or Indonesian. It is an invaluable tool for government planners, resource managers, ecologists, university students, scuba divers, and all those with an interest in th
 Ecology of the Indonesian Seas Part 1
 Ecology of the Indonesian Seas Part 1

 Автор: Tomas Tomascik

  The Ecology of the Indonesian Seas distills for the first time the information found in thousands of scholarly works relevant to an understanding of the sustainable use of marine and coastal resources in these islands—many of them available up to now only in Dutch, German or Indonesian. It is an invaluable tool for government planners, resource managers, ecologists, university students, scuba divers, and all those with an interest in th
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