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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Handy Pocket Guide to Asian Gemstones
 Handy Pocket Guide to Asian Gemstones

 Автор: Carol Higgins Clark

  Learn the essentials of Asian gemstones with this useful and portable reference book. Gemstones, both mythical and real, are deeply embedded in the arts, religions and cultures of Asia. This handy pocket guide provides an excellent introduction to the full range of superb gemstones mined and processed in the region, their physical characteristics, historical importance and countries of origin. Stunning color photographs and informative text by
 Ecology of Indonesian Papua Part One
 Ecology of Indonesian Papua Part One

 Автор: Andrew J. Marshall

  The Ecology of Papua provides a comprehensive review of current scientific knowledge on all aspects of the natural history of western (Indonesian) New Guinea.Designed for students of conservation, environmental workers, and academic researchers, it is a richly detailed text, dense with biogeographical data, historical reference, and fresh insight on this complicated and marvelous region. We hope it will serve to raise awareness of Papua on a glo
 Ecology of Indonesian Papua Part Two
 Ecology of Indonesian Papua Part Two

 Автор: Andrew J. Marshall

  The Ecology of Papua provides a comprehensive review of current scientific knowledge on all aspects of the natural history of western (Indonesian) New Guinea.Designed for students of conservation, environmental workers, and academic researchers, it is a richly detailed text, dense with biogeographical data, historical reference, and fresh insight on this complicated and marvelous region. We hope it will serve to raise awareness of Papua on a glo

 Ecology of Sulawesi
 Ecology of Sulawesi

 Автор: Tony Whitten

  The Ecology of Sulawesi is a comprehensive ecological survey of one of Indonesia's least populated and most diverse islands.It is hoped that it will prove useful to resource managers, ecologists, environmental scientists and local government personnel, and be enlightening to Sulawesi's inhabitants and visitors.Sulawesi is one of the least-known islands of Indonesia, and wise environmental management, including the proper assessment of
 Ecology of Nusa Tenggara
 Ecology of Nusa Tenggara

 Автор: Kathryn Monk

  The Ecology of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku is a comprehensive ecological survey of a series ecologically diverse islands in the Pacific.It contains extensive baseline data on the region’s people, ecosystems, biodiversity and land use, and discusses these in a historical as well as a developmental context. It also provides guidelines for scientific researchers on worthwhile ecological and socio-economic research projects.This region is the
 Environmental Science (Speedy Study Guides)
 Environmental Science (Speedy Study Guides)

 Автор: Speedy Publishing

  Do your part in caring for the environment by first understanding the core elements of environmental science. This straightforward study guide will help you come into terms with the problems that change the environment, some of which you may have contributed to. Also, know how science can help correct these problems so you can better support research and help raise public awareness too.
 Environmental Science (Speedy Study Guide)
 Environmental Science (Speedy Study Guide)

 Автор: Speedy Publishing

  Learning about environmental science with the aid of a study guide helps kids to understand the environment and their place in it. Learning about subjects like climate and weather, the water cycle, environmental cleaning efforts and more gives kids an advantage in the sciences. Presenting important information in a straightforward and engaging way, environmental study guides can also help kids understand the importance of recycling, water conser
 The Laws Field Guide to the Sierra Nevada
 The Laws Field Guide to the Sierra Nevada

 Автор: John Muir Laws

  In this groundbreaking and meticulously field-tested guide, the rich variety of Sierra life&mdash;trees, wildflowers, ferns, fungi, lichens, fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds, mammals, and insects&mdash;comes alive.<p>Easy-to-use features include:<ul><li>Intuitive organization, color tabs, and simple keys;</li><li>Similar-looking species side by side;</li><li>Over 2,800 full-color illustrations;&
 America's Largest Classroom
 America's Largest Classroom

 Автор: Jessica L. Thompson

  Over the past 100&#160;years,&#160;visitor&#160;learning&#160;at America&rsquo;s national parks has&#160;grown and evolved. Today, there are over 400 National Park Service (NPS) sites, representing&#160;over eighty&#160;million acres. Sites exist in every US&#160;state and territory and are located on land, at sea, in remote areas, and in major urban centers. Every year, more than 300 million people visit nati
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