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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Imagining the Future of Climate Change
 Imagining the Future of Climate Change

 Автор: Shelley Streeby

  From the 1960s to the present, activists, artists, and science fiction writers have imagined the consequences of climate change and its impacts on our future. Authors such as Octavia Butler and Leslie Marmon Silko, movie directors such as Bong Joon-Ho, and creators of digital media such as the makers of the Maori web series&#160;<I>Anamata Future News</I>&#160;have all envisioned future worlds during and after environmental c
 The Terraforming
 The Terraforming

 Автор: Бенджамин Браттон

  Мир на краю катастрофы требует радикальных решений. Будущее жизни на Земле зависит от разработки и реализации устойчивого плана. The Terraforming – трёхлетняя исследовательская инициатива Института «Стрелка», направленная на фундаментальное преобразование городов, технологий и экосистем для обеспечения жизнеспособности планеты. Искусственность, астрономия и автоматизация составляют основу альтернативной планетарности, разрабатываемой программой
 Grand Canyon For Sale
 Grand Canyon For Sale

 Автор: Stephen Nash

  Grand Canyon For Sale is a carefully researched investigation of the precarious future of America&rsquo;s public lands: our national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, monuments, and wildernesses. Taking the Grand Canyon as his key example, and using on-the-ground reporting as well as scientific research, Stephen Nash shows how accelerating climate change will dislocate wildlife populations and vegetation across hundreds of thousands of squar


 Автор: Peter B. Moyle

  Floodplains&#160;provides an overview of floodplains and their management in temperate regions. It synthesizes decades of research on floodplain ecosystems, explaining hydrologic, geomorphic, and ecological processes and how under appropriate management these processes can provide benefits to society ranging from healthy fish populations to flood-risk reduction. Drawing on the framework of reconciliation ecology, the authors explore how new
 The Atlas of Water
 The Atlas of Water

 Автор: Maggie Black

  Climate change,&#160;population increase,&#160;and the demands made by the growing number of people adopting urban lifestyles and western diets&#160;threaten the world&rsquo;s supply of freshwater, edging us closer to a global&#160;water&#160;crisis, with dire implications for agriculture, the economy, the environment, and human health. Completely revised and updated,&#160;<I>The&#160;Atlas&#160;of&#
 Ants of Africa and Madagascar
 Ants of Africa and Madagascar

 Автор: Brian L. Fisher

  Across the Afrotropical and Malagasy regions, ants are one of the most conspicuous and ecologically dominant animal groups. From driver ants to weaver ants, there are over 2,000 species in Africa alone and over 600 in Madagascar.<BR /> &#160;<BR /><I>Ants of Africa and Madagascar</I> introduces readers to the fascinating and diverse ant fauna of the Afrotropical and Malagasy regions. Featuring illustrated keys to subf
 Introduction to Water in California
 Introduction to Water in California

 Автор: David Carle

  This thoroughly engaging, concise book tells the story of California's most precious resource, tracing the journey of water in the state from the atmosphere to the snowpack to our faucets and foods. Along the way, we learn much about California itself as the book describes its rivers, lakes, wetlands, dams, and aqueducts and discusses the role of water in agriculture, the environment, and politics. Essential reading in a state facing the fu
 Biodiversity in a Changing Climate
 Biodiversity in a Changing Climate

 Автор: Группа авторов

  One major consequence of climate change is abrupt, dramatic changes in regional biodiversity. Even if the most optimistic scenarios for mitigating climate change transpire, the fate of many wild species rests on the shoulders of people engaged in conservation planning, management, and policy. Providing managers with the latest and most useful climate change research is critical and requires challenging the conventional divide between scientists
 Pszczolowate (Hymenoptera: Apiformes: Apidae) parkow krajobrazowych w wojewodztwie swietokrzyskim
 Pszczolowate (Hymenoptera: Apiformes: Apidae) parkow krajobrazowych w wojewodztwie swietokrzyskim

 Автор: Jolanta Bak-Badowska

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