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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
 The Gospel of Climate Skepticism
 The Gospel of Climate Skepticism

 Автор: Robin Globus Veldman

  Why are white evangelicals the most skeptical major religious group in America regarding climate change? Previous scholarship has pointed to cognitive factors such as conservative politics, anti-science attitudes, aversion to big government, and theology. Drawing on qualitative fieldwork, <I>The Gospel of Climate Skepticism</I> reveals the extent to which climate skepticism and anti-environmentalism have in fact become embedded in th
 Environmental Justice in a Moment of Danger
 Environmental Justice in a Moment of Danger

 Автор: Julie Sze

  &ldquo;Let this book immerse you in the many worlds of environmental justice.&rdquo;&mdash;Naomi Klein We are living in a precarious environmental and political moment. In the United States and in the world, environmental injustices have manifested across racial and class divides in devastatingly disproportionate ways. What does this&#160;moment of danger mean for the environment and for justice? What can we learn from environmen
 Destination Anthropocene
 Destination Anthropocene

 Автор: Amelia Moore

  Destination Anthropocene&#160;documents the emergence of new travel imaginaries forged at the intersection of the natural sciences and the tourism industry in a Caribbean archipelago.&#160;Known to travelers as a&#160;paradise of sun, sand, and sea, The Bahamas is rebranding itself in response to the rising threat of global environmental change, including climate change. In her imaginative new book, Amelia Moore explores an&#160;

 Ocean Outbreak
 Ocean Outbreak

 Автор: Drew Harvell

  There is a growing crisis in our oceans as rates of infectious disease outbreaks are on the rise. Marine epidemics have the potential to cause a mass die-off of wildlife from the bottom to the top of the food chain, impacting the health of ocean ecosystems as well as lives on land. Fueled by sewage dumping, unregulated aquaculture, and drifting plastic in warming seas, ocean outbreaks are sentinels of impending global environmental disaster.<
 Solar Power
 Solar Power

 Автор: Dustin Mulvaney

  In this important new primer, Dustin Mulvaney makes a passionate case for the significance of solar power energy and offers a vision for a more sustainable and just solar industry for the future. The solar energy industry has grown immensely over the past several years and now provides up to a fifth of California&rsquo;s power. But despite its deservedly green reputation, solar development and deployment may have social and environmental con
 Life without Lead
 Life without Lead

 Автор: Daniel Renfrew

  Life without Lead examines the social, political, and environmental dimensions of a devastating lead poisoning epidemic. Drawing from a political ecology of health perspective, the book situates the Uruguayan lead contamination crisis in relation to neoliberal reform, globalization, and the resurgence of the political Left in Latin America. The author traces the rise of an environmental social justice movement, and the local and transnational ci
 Transforming Psychological Worldviews to Confront Climate Change
 Transforming Psychological Worldviews to Confront Climate Change

 Автор: F. Stephan Mayer

  In the continuing debate of how to confront the challenges of climate change, individuals, advocacy groups, and political parties in the United States offer arguments and solutions based on economic and political viewpoints. But what if we are beginning from a distorted view?<BR /> &#160;<BR /> In this book, F. Stephan Mayer argues that our psychological representation of the world is at the heart of the underlying causes of clim
 Coral Whisperers
 Coral Whisperers

 Автор: Irus Braverman

  In recent years, a catastrophic global bleaching event devastated many of the world&rsquo;s precious coral reefs. Working on the front lines of ruin, today&rsquo;s coral scientists are struggling to save these important coral reef ecosystems from the imminent threats of rapidly warming, acidifying, and polluted oceans.&#160;<I>Coral Whisperers</I>&#160;captures a critical moment in the history of coral reef science. G
 The Myth of Silent Spring
 The Myth of Silent Spring

 Автор: Chad Montrie

  Since its publication in 1962, Rachel Carson&rsquo;s book <I>Silent Spring</I> has often been celebrated as the catalyst that sparked an American environmental movement. Yet environmental consciousness and environmental protest in some regions of the United States date back to the nineteenth century, with the advent of industrial manufacturing and the consequent growth of cities. As these changes transformed people&#39;s live
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