Автор: Dr. Henry M. Morris |
Издательство: Ingram |
Cтраниц: 1 |
Формат: EPUB |
Размер: 0 |
ISBN: 9781614581888 |
Качество: excellent |
Язык: |
The story of the origin of all things: Does the scientific evidence support special creation or atheistic evolution? Authoritative and thoroughly documented, Scientific Creationism is easily understood by readers with non-scientific backgrounds. Teachers, students, pastors, and other witnessing Christians can now be equipped with the convincing evidence for special creation. Updated and expanded, Scientific Creationism is a book that has changed the lives of people for Christ – people who have been blinded by the current origin-myth, evolution. "All ministers of the gospel, teachers and professors of our Christian schools on the primary and secondary level, should read this book. A copy should be placed in every church and school library, and used as a textbook in our Christian high schools and colleges." –Rev. C. Van Schouwen
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