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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Документы, жалобы, образцы
 The Democracy Deficit
 The Democracy Deficit

 Автор: Alfred C. Aman, Jr.

  Economic globalization has had a chilling effect on democracy since markets now do some of the work that governments used to do through the political process. More than two decades of deregulation have made a healthy economy appear to depend on unrestrained markets. But appearances are misleading—globalization is also a legal and political process. The future of democracy in the twenty-first century depends on the ability of citizens to
 Strange Neighbors
 Strange Neighbors

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Since its founding, the U.S. has struggled withissues of federalism and states’ rights. In almost every area of law, fromabortion to zoning, conflicts arise between the states and the federalgovernment over which entity is best suited to create and enforce laws. In thelast decade, immigration has been on the front lines of this debate, withstates such as Arizona taking an extremely assertive role in policingimmigrants within their bord
 Revoking Citizenship
 Revoking Citizenship

 Автор: Ediberto Roman

  Reveals America’s long history of making both naturalized immigrants and native-born citizens un-American after stripping away their citizenship [b][/b]Expatriation, or the stripping away citizenship and all the rights that come with it, is usually associated with despotic and totalitarian regimes. The imagery of mass expulsion of once integral members of the community is associated with civil wars, ethnic cleansing, the Holocaust, o

 Negotiating Justice
 Negotiating Justice

 Автор: Corey S. Shdaimah

  While many young people become lawyers for the big bucks, others are motivated by the pursuit of social justice, seeking to help people for whom legal services are financially, socially, or politically inaccessible. These progressive lawyers often bring a considerable degree of idealism to their work, and many leave the field due to insurmountable red tape and spiraling disillusionment. But what about those who stay? And what do their clients th
 Masculinities and the Law
 Masculinities and the Law

 Автор: Ann C. McGinley

  According to masculinities theory, masculinity is not a biological imperative but a social construction. Men engage in a constant struggle with other men to prove their masculinity. Masculinities and the Law develops a multidimensional approach. It sees categories of identity—including various forms of raced, classed, and sex-oriented masculinities—as operating simultaneously and creating different effects in different contex
 Marriage Proposals
 Marriage Proposals

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The essays in Marriage Proposals envision a variety of scenarios in which adults would continue to join themselves together seeking permanent companionship and sustenance, linking sexual intimacy to a long commitment, usually caring for each other, and building new families. What would disappear are the legal consequences associated with marriage. No joint income tax return; no immigration privileges like the “fiancée visa&a
 Making Legal History
 Making Legal History

 Автор: Группа авторов

  One of the academy’s leading legal historians, William E. Nelson is the Edward Weinfeld Professor of Law at New York University School of Law. For more than four decades, Nelson has produced some of the most original and creative work on American constitutional and legal history. His prize-winning books have blazed new trails for historians with their substantive arguments and the scope and depth of Nelson’s exploration of pr
 Life without Parole
 Life without Parole

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Is life without parole the perfect compromise to the death penalty? Or is it as ethically fraught as capital punishment? This comprehensive, interdisciplinary anthology treats life without parole as “the new death penalty.” Editors Charles J. Ogletree, Jr. and Austin Sarat bring together original work by prominent scholars in an effort to better understand the growth of life without parole and its social, cultural, political,
 Law on Display
 Law on Display

 Автор: Neal Feigenson

  Experience the multimedia and view the links featured in the book at lawondisplay.comVisual and multimedia digital technologies are transforming the practice of law: how lawyers construct and argue their cases, present evidence to juries, and communicate with each other. They are also changing how law is disseminated throughout and used by the general public. What are these technologies, how are they used and perceived in the courtroom and in wi
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