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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Facial Danger Zones
 Facial Danger Zones

 Автор: Brooke Seckel

  Subperiosteal, extended sub-SMAS, deep plane, and composite rhytidectomy are all names that have been used to describe the current, more extensive operations for facial rejuvenation. Although these procedures provide superior results, they also involve deeper dissections with the potential for injury to the facial nerves. In order to avoid injury to these nerves, a thorough understanding of their locations is crucial for surgeons performing thes
 Aesthetic Medicine
 Aesthetic Medicine

 Автор: Marie Czenko Kuechel

  The practice of medicine is big business-unique in its blend of medicine, service, and retail sales. In today's competitive aesthetic market, providers of services must master the basic elements of running a business as well as develop a sound business model, respond to the challenges of a clinical practice, and meet their goals for building a thriving practice with satisfied, loyal patients. Whether you are starting an aesthetic practice
 Color Atlas of Dermatology
 Color Atlas of Dermatology

 Автор: Martin Schaller

  A beautifully illustrated and comprehensive pocket atlas of clinical dermatologyColor Atlas of Dermatology is an illustrated guide to the spectrum of dermatological pathologies. This easy-to-use book provides a wealth of practical knowledge essential both in daily practice and when planning treatment.The atlas organizes the main areas of clinical dermatology in a user-friendly formatpresenting short, precise descriptions on the left and illustra

 Treatment of Oral Diseases
 Treatment of Oral Diseases

 Автор: George Laskaris

  George Laskaris is renowned for his excellent Color Atlas of Oral Diseases, one of Thiemes all-time bestsellers. This new title by Laskaris represents the ideal companion to the atlas, providing a logical extension from the diagnostic atlases toward treatment of the diseases described here.Each disease is described in capsule form, with epidemiology, etiology, the main clinical features, and the appropriate diagnostic tests. After this, a sectio
 Thieme Clinical Companions Dermatology
 Thieme Clinical Companions Dermatology

 Автор: Wolfram Sterry

  Dermatology, the first book in the new Thieme Clinical Companions series, presents the essential information on how to diagnose and treat the full range of dermatologic diseases.Compiled by expert physicians, this pocket guide describes the diagnostic approach and therapeutic options for a wide range of skin diseases. More than 300 full-color illustrations, diagrams, checklists, charts, and clinical tips illuminate all concepts and techniques de
 The Art of Aesthetic Surgery, Three Volume Set, Third Edition
 The Art of Aesthetic Surgery, Three Volume Set, Third Edition

 Автор: Foad Nahai

  The ultimate guide to aesthetic surgery from world famous aesthetic surgeon Foad Nahai The Art of Aesthetic Surgery, Principles and Techniques, Third Edition by internationally revered aesthetic surgeon Foad Nahai, five distinguished co-editors, and more than 100 new contributors is an encyclopedic, three-volume masterwork. Considered the quintessential resource on cosmetic surgery since its inception, the new edition features an e-book a
 Skin Photoaging
 Skin Photoaging

 Автор: Rui Yin

  This book focuses on skin photoaging, the premature aging of skin due to environmental effects such as exposure to UV (UVA, UVB) radiation from the sun. Slowing the aging process and rejuvenation have been one of the major goals of medicine and are in high
 Введение в антропософскую дерматологию. Антропологические подходы к рассмотрению морфологии, физиологии и патологии кожи. Терапия кожных заболеваний средствами антропософской медицины
 Введение в антропософскую дерматологию. Антропологические подходы к рассмотрению морфологии, физиологии и патологии кожи. Терапия кожных заболеваний средствами антропософской медицины

 Автор: Бригитта Рёслер
 Год: 2016

  «Если возможности академической медицины уже исчерпаны, то в терапию кожных заболеваний врач должен внести другие методы целостного подхода, например антропософскую медицину. Совместно с пациентом, с учётом современных инструментальных и лабораторных методов диагностики, анамнеза, биографических аспектов, с учётом социальной, семейной и профессиональной среды пациента врач должен определить пути индивидуальной терапии».
 The Art of Aesthetic Surgery: Three Volume Set, Second Edition
 The Art of Aesthetic Surgery: Three Volume Set, Second Edition

 Автор: Foad Nahai

  Seldom does a book achieve status as a classic in its first edition, but The Art of Aesthetic Surgery by Foad Nahai has been hailed as a masterpiece since its inception. Reviews have been universally laudatory, and residents and experienced practitioners alike have embraced this work as the ultimate resource on all things aesthetic. Now, this landmark work has been totally revised and updated with over 40 new chapters (many with new authors
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